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Haters To Mates - Part 18


I''ve got duty to do, spend the day with your friends, or relax, I'll be picking you up tonight at 7 for dinner.

Love you, C

Oh joy. A day without him.

I shifted my weight onto one leg as I dug my hands into my jeans pocket for my phone, but it wasn't there. Oh sh*t where'd I put it!

Right at the cue, my cellphone rang, leading me to the bed. Right...

"Hazah!" I shouted revealing my phone under the blankets.

On the caller ID it shown Megan's name.

"Hellohah," I chirped into the phone as I plopped on the bed.

"Am I inturrupting anything?"

"Nooope. I'm the only one home," I stated rubbing my belly.

"Kay then...well me and Maya's already here at the mall, so get your as* over here! Seeya!" she chirped and hung up.

For a second I hesistated to get up but then I finally flung my legs off the bed.

There goes nothing

----------------------------------------------(At the Mall)------------------------------------------------

"C'mon Jez help us get that plush toy! We've been trying like ten thousand times! Your turn!" Maya begged shoving 2 bucks in my hands.

"Why do you want that brown block anyways?!" I screamed throwing my head back.

"It's domo-kun you idiot!"

I gorlwed at them, but didn't say anything, though I was mated with Cam, which makes me the Luna of the pack right now, I never really liked using that low tone to make them back off.

They're my friends.

"Fine. I'm only trying once and if I don't get it...well we're leaving right, cause right now I'm craving for ice cream and I'm about to eat for two-...oh sh*t." I cussed.

"Whoa there girlfriend did you say you're eating for two? Get down here!" Megan squealed pulling me down to this bench that was behind us.

I groaned, but sat down.


"Why didn't you tell us! We would've...wait what would've we done?" Maya asked herself and Megan.

I rolled my eyes at them and started laughing.

"You know what screw ice cream, i need pizza. Pizza with all types of toppings...the way I usually hate it," I said smirking.

"Pizza? But I'm still full!" Megan complained rubbing her flat belly.

"Shut it and let me eat!" I shouted then covered my mouth.

They looked at me shocked by the way I spoke.

"Oh shoot. I'm sorry, something's coming up to me and well..."

"Nonono. It's a good sign! It means...wait...it means that those what was it...alpha...no...Luna... feelings are kicking in," Megan said raising an eyebrow.


"Anyways let's go for pizza!" she chirped standing up and taking my arm.

"B-but I thought you were full!"

"Yeah, but you're eating for two and when you want food. You get food!"


"Shush! Food time!" she squealed pulling me towards a pizza store nearby.

 ---after pizza c: ----

"C'mon time to buy some new clothes!" Maya chirped.

"Why?!" I screamed eyes wide. I hated shopping. Always have.

"Cause Cam's taking you out!" Megan cut in.

"How do you know?!" I shouted scared. Shopping with them is torture. They literally shove everything at you and push you into the fitting rooms.

"Cause our smartas* alpha told us! Or well Paul did...but whatever!" Maya chirped pushing me into this store I usually never go into.

"Wait. Why are we going into a dresses shop?" I asked alarmed.


"Maya," Megan warned putting a finger to her lips.


"We can't tell you bout tonight. You're just going to have to dream, but meanwhile we're gonna make you stunning. Then you're going to have to buy some new casual clothes since the round belly will show sooner or later." Megan said pushing the door.

I took a look at the door and started giggling.

"Dammit why won't this door open!?"

"Megan, you got the push and pull door problem.," I stated gesturing to sticker above the handle.

"I knew that," she retorted flipping her hand.

"Well c'mon..."

"Really? Can't I just go in like jeans and a tee-"



"No. Now c'mon better not make him wait later than planned."

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