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Haters To Mates - Part 19

"M'lady," Cam said pulling out a chair for me.

I looked around the view. There was candles, flowers and I think we're out near his place but at the patch of grass that faced the pond, with the moon shining down at us.

"So why so sudden with the dinner?" I asked playing with the fork on that table.

"I'm not surprised you forgot," he muttered under his breath.

Forgot? Forgot what? Wait what day is it today! April...April...28. April 28th...what's so special about it..?

Cam chuckled to himself as he probably heard my thoughts.

"Sweetie, you just forgot your own birthday."

"Oh shoot. I forgot. With everything going on...wait. Tell me you didn't get me anything! I mean it's bad enough I didn't know your brithday till after it passed, but it'd just mak me feel worse if you-"

"Of course I got you something," he replied making my heart flutter.

"Dammit," I muttered letting my hair fall to my face.

He reached across the table to push my hair behind my ear.

"So presents or dinner first?"


"Kay then presents first," he said handing me a small box.

I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering what he could've possibly gotten me. My hands shaking, just like his, I took the box from him.

"Wanna give me a hint of what it is?" I asked twirling a piece of hair with my finger.

"Uhhh...something that could possibly change your life forever?"

I stared at the box. Then the thought came to my head. What if it was a ring. What if. Whoa. I stole a glance at him, then raised the lid.

There stared back at me a heart shaped note with a diamond ring shining at me.

I had no comments..."I...wait a sec..." I said, making him more nervous. "Why not ask with your voice? You're right here..."

He sat back and laughed, "If I asked with my voice, I'm pretty sure I would've started stuttering."

"Y-you stutter? Aww, you're so cute," I cooed reaching across to pinch his cheeks."

"Don't call me cute," he scowled pushing my hands away, while rubbing his cheeks.

"You might wanna get that scowl off your face," I chirped taking the ring out of the box. "Should I be putting this on myself, or are you gonna do it?"

His face brighten up as soon as the words left my mouth. "So it's a yes?"

I nodded smiling. Within a second, he was by my side, bending down and taking the ring form my hands to put it on the right finger.

"I love you," he growled in my ears as he got up.

"I love you more," I blowed pressing my lips to his.

He pulled away, "Not possible."

"How would you know?" I asked smirking.

"I know it all."

 This is my happy ending. Though I lost my father, refuse to accept my mother and my sister. I now have my uncle. My mate, and well the baby...who'll enter our lives in 7-8 more months. Who knew it'd end like this. Hating the person I now love...


a/n: aw shiat this is the end. x) i would've made everything different, but figuring this isnt my best work, it would be like a year before i end up removing it.. O__o anyways yeah THE END. ;P I don't plan on doing an epilogue.

but anyways to the haters to mates fans...I'd like to say thanks for sticking with me for so long! it' took me forever..and well. just thank you! if you guys are interested in reading more stories by me, just fan or yeah. also i have just recently also finished my other werewolf story, Rejected By My Soulmate. Along with another short story that ties with rbms, Wanting A Happy Ending.

also soon ill be starting another story, as you know. it'll be Heart For Two, but as that goes, there's another sequel to RBMS and it'll take awhile. but yeah. anyways be sure to check that out! anyways once again, thanks! :)

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