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Haters To Mates - Part 6

It's been around 2 weeks since the last Kayla drama. So far for now me and Cam have been being really careful bout our moves, but I just think Kayla is planning some stupid evil plan in that brain of hers. But action just seems to might hit us today...

I walked slowly walked into homeroom as Cam approached me. I turned my head around just in time for our lips to meet. Our lips pulled into a smile and we pulled apart. I raised an eyebrow at him and he remembered what he came rushing towards me for.

"Jez wanna come join me at a party later on today?"

"Party? Uh...i don't think people it would be a good idea..."

"You'd be surprised."

"Where's this party?"

"The beach down near my house."

I sighed and nodded my head..

"So you're coming?"


. . .


I walked over to the lunch table meeting Megan and Paul pulling Cam along with me. My shoes screeched as I suddenly stopped. I smiled wickedly at Cam as I saw the vision in front me me. Megan and Paul happened to have their hands twined together. WAHAHAHA. I crept behind them...


"Eeeee!" Megan's eyes were wide, then she shot me a glare when she found out who it was then out of nowhere whispered a ghostly boo in her ears. The guys started laughing their heads off and Megan slapped Paul at the back of his hand. He pouted and rubbed his head. I kept laughing, my tummy starting to hurt. Paul then stuck his tongue out at me. Real mature. We all went to get our food and sat down. Munching at the corner of my eyes I found Kayla smiling wickedly.


Beach party. Great.Cool... Not. Loud music is pounding against my ear drums. People dancing along with it. People out swimming, enjoy the last of the sun before the sun completely sets. Tons of beautiful lights around; Cam beside me. Well yeah you get the point pretty much typical beach parties. Well close. -cough-I'm thirsty. Uh.. How do I get through this huge crowd off people.




He scowled at me; telling me to give him a minute to go get it. I sat still in the sand looking at the now pink sky. Looks nice. I got on my feet then walked a little further off the sand getting closer to some trees and bushes. Much quieter spot. I sat down and waited for Cam.

As the silence went by I heard some rustling. I looked around receiving goosebumps on my arm. Something tells me this has something to do with Kayla. I heard another rustle and a hand reached out and a cloth covered my nose and mouth. I scream. Well at least I tried. But no one noticed me. I was too far off. I Can't breathe. Can'...

-An Hour Later-

Owww. My head hurts. Wait. Why does my head hurt? I have no idea. I thought..Oh Crap. Someone kidnapped wait WHAT. HELPPPPP!! I got up and banged the walls hard. No response. Crap, where the hell am I?! I looked around, the next second there was a dim light. What. I looked up to find a really small light on the ceiling. Great. Now I get to see how messed up I am. I hope someone finds me. That or I get killed. Well if this was to keep Cam safe or someone else safe, well I don't mind death. But I have a feeling this kidnapper is Kayla. And well I don't know how anyone would find me. This is going to be a long day. Whoa whoa whoa. Wait a sec. WHAT KIND OF STUPID KIDNAPPER DOESNT TIE THEIR VICTIMS ARMS AND LEGS. oh my. And I thought Kayla or that stalker may not be new at this kind of stuff. I walked to the walls reading the printing on the 'walls'.

hatred. death. fear. blood. love.

"It's time for you to die now bitch, don't you think?" My kidnapper said with an evil laugh. That laugh so familiar. Of course. It was Kayla's. She turned off the lights and raised her gun. Wow couldn't she fight me? I mean she's wolf after all. Or did she not want blood all over herself? I closed my eyes slowly. I'm not willing to fight. I'm ready for death. It's obvious I won;t win, I mean I'm the defenselesss one here.Let's not go through more pain then there will be.



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