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Haters To Mates - Part 5

~Jez's Pov~

Stay away from him and no one gets hurt. No one gets hurt...no one gets hurt...Those words just keep ringing through my head. I have to find Cam. I have to tell him everything. He would want to know everything right? It might help our safety right? I dont know. I walked through the long hallways searching for Cam. Looking left and right, left and right and well I finally found him. But the image I found wasn't what I was hoping for. Instead of him and Paul or just himself, I found him with Kayla. One hand on his arms and another around his waist. They were talking, and Kayla shot a flirty glance at Cam. What. The. Hell. I watched as she whispered into his ears while both of them looking at me. I let out a slight growl and paced myself slowly to them. Cam's eye widened at the sight of me then he pulled Kayla closer to him, and walked off. Pain shot through my chest and I raised my hand rubbing my temples. This is confusing.

~Cam's pov~

It pained me to walk away from her. I saw her tense up as I walked away with Kayla arm in arm with me. This bitch is evil. She's threatening me. Us. Revenge will come. But for now the only way is for me and Jez to keep distance. Kayla turned to me smiling evily, grabbed my hand and pulled me over to her 'friends'.

I said hey to them, but my face was clearly showing the expression of the fact I didn't want to be here. She gripped on my hands and pulled me towards the lunch table.

Megan looked at our hands that were together and her jaws dropped. Her face turned bright red and she faced Paul, planning to ignore me. Paul just looked at me shocked and mouthed out 'WTF' . No comments. I took a seat and Kayla sat right beside me resting a hand on my lap. I shifted away from her a little and put my head in my palms. Great. Life's just great. I lifted my head as I felt someone approach our table. Jez. She looked pissed off. I can't blame her. I mean I didn't even explain to her what's happening and well I already off with Kayla. She remained emotionless and pointed a finger at me. She pointed at me and at another table. I nodded without giving Kayla a single glance and walked over to the table.

"What's this?" she questioned gesturing to Kayla.

"This is something keep us alive."

"So you're telling me we should be staying away from each other until that dog stops stalking us."

I looked at her and nodded.

"Dude, what the hell are you thinking."

"I'm thinking bout safety..."

"Well I'm not going to sit here and watch her be all over you."

"Then what are we going to do? Let her kill you so she can have me after?"

"Hell no. You know what, you're quite stupid sometimes," she said grinning. "Now I think I might know what to do."

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