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Haters To Mates - Part 11

Who the heck is stupid enough to not block the caller ID thing when they are pretty much threatning someone! Apparently Kayla's dad doesn't. All this just makes me think he might be mental? Like I dont want to make up something or judge someone, but whenever I pass him, he just shoots me these grins, and he laughs to himself. It's been 2 months since Kayla's death. Mr Gold. Made no move to hurt me...yet.

- - -

The school was under some lockdown. The doors were all locked, and well the lights. Power. Poof. Gone. I have a feeling someone is behind this. Most of the students from the school had made their way safely out, right before the school officially locked, and well of course being me, I was one of the unlucky ones. I've probably been sitting here in this exact spot for the last half an hour. But then with Cam texting me every few seconds to make sure I'm okay, I seem to be fine. Well, that was until.


911! I texted Cam before...

What happened? he texted back.

I couldn't text back, not when I'm almost scared sh*tless now.

Ok guys that wasn't a gun. That was a door closing, yet I have no idea how it opened in the first place. I'm like pretty sure it's only me and probably another girl left in the school, and last time i checked she was crying her eyes out in the washroom. I glanced up to check who it might've been. All that came to my sight, was probably a man who was around 6 foot tall, and wearing all black with something that was shining in his hands. I tried getting up, stumbling during the process.

As the black figure approached closer and closer, I slowly took some steps back. Who the heck was this, and what do they want. Walking faster towards me, I turned around and ran, ran for my dear life, not knowing where I was heading, I just ran. Till I reached a dead end. Shoot. Just Let Me. My wolf said wanting to take over. With 4 legs and my sharp teeth we just might defeat him. Fine. Just as I was about to shift, a silver cold blade was placed against my neck. Stopping the whole shift process, I stood there frozen.

"Uh,uh,uh. Not so fast," the voice sad air tickling my ear.

"W-hat d-o you w-ant?" I said shakily.

Digging the blade slightly into my neck, the stranger replied. "You to die."

"W-hy?" I asked tears starting to form in my eyes. Yes, I cry when I'm panicking big time. I mean it's just my normal reaction.

"You killed my daughter!"

'Shit' I mumbled under my breath. It's him. Just when I thought it was safe.

"I didn't! I swear!" I yelled out, tears actually starting to spill down my face.

"Oh, you killed her and you know it!"

My phone. I still have my phone. Turning around slightly, coming face-to-face with Kayla's dad, I reached behind my back pockets for my phone, slowly turning it to silent; I started texting to Cam, while Mr. Gold, wasn't looking. Good thing I memorized the keys and everything.

With the limited time I had, I managed to text Cam -'911 Gold.'

I felt the phone vibrate in my hands, as it was telling me there was a new text. Ugh.

'Can't read, Gold got me. Call. -911- Get help. Don't Come In.-'

Hoping he got the message, I shoved my phone back into my pockets.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Psycho-witz said spitting all over my face.


"Right." he said wrapping a hand around my two wrists lifting them up, so I can't move; using his other hand he reachd for my back pocket. Oh sh*t, oh sh*t my as* here! What the hell is wrong with this guy! He grabbed my phone and brought it up to his face. Scanning through it, you could see his expression harden.

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