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Haters To Mates - Part 1

I wandered around the hallways of the school, on the search for the main office. Nope. Cant find it. Freaking hell. I give up. Like I thought the offices of the schools should be quite easy to find! I mean, well usually...

Sighing, I walked up to the closest person to me. "S'cuse me...would you mind directing me to where the main office is?" I asked a girl who was around my height.

Not replying right away her eyebrows just moved up. "Down the hall then turn right," she replied, starting to smile.

"Uh Thanks..." I started to say, but I realized I didn't know her name.

"Megan. I'm Megan."

"Well I'm Jez, anyways thanks!" I said waving a bye while jogging down the hall. 

Finally when I reach the end of the hallway, and turned right...I didn't see ain't no office. Just, where's that damn place? Gahhhh... Wait. Accidentally skipped it. Damn. I pulled the doors, to find it only inching a bit. I stared at the handle. Open now! I commanded to it, inside my mind. It didn't move. I kept yanking. I glared at the door warningly. Don't make me go Harry Potter on you! I gave it another yank. Nope. Wanting to punch the door, I felt a light tap on my shoulders little shivers getting sent down my spine. I looked up, finding Cam through the reflection. I turned around tilting my head to the side.

"You go to this school too?" I asked stating the obvious.

He nodded, "You can see, anyways you know that door's meant to be pushed and not pulled right?"

I looked over at the mini sign above the handle that he was gesturing to. Heat started rising up my face, I moved my head to let hair fall to my face to cover the blush.

"I knew that!"

"Of course you did," he said chuckling. "Here m'lady," he pushed the doors open for me to walk in.

As soon as I walked in , I searched for some sort of principal. Instead I found a lady probably in her late thirties smiling at me. I just smiled back.

"Um, may I'm new here, I just need to pick up my schedule.?"

"What's your name, sweetheart?" she asked, checking through this big binder.


Before I could finish, she passed a few pieces of paper to me, and a folder. "Okay, those are some forms you would need to fill out and hand back to our school...and that would be your schedule. So you might know that our school does do all 8 subjects throughout the year/semesters; so 4 blocks a day, each around an hour and forty-five minutes."

She paused for a second and looked at me, to see if I'm listening and taking in what she was saying. I nodded.

"Anyways there's day 1 and day 2. Everything is kind of self-explanatory after you look through those sheets, but if you need any help, you can just come find me or I'm sure some of our students would be more than happy to help."

"Right, well thanks!" I replied.

Just as I was about to walk out the door, I noticed Cam now in the corner of the room with a girl. My wolf growled inside me. Mate. Make girl away. Mate? Weird. Well more like ever since a few days ago, after seeing him, my wolfs been bothering me. I'm assuming he's our mate, but the fact he's with another girl right there doesn't seem to tell us he's our mate...Well at least I don't think so. I turned back to the secretary, but at the corner of my eyes, I saw him go stiff.

I turned around about to walk to around to explore before class, I smacked right into someone, sparks flew through me again; and this someone is Cam. Could he really be my mate?

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