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Haters To Mates - Part 4

I opened one eyelid to find the blinding light staring at me. Using my arms to push myself up, I looked around. I'm in the ladies washroom with a body beside me, What? Nevernind bout that for now. The back of my head hurts, everything came rushing back at me. That text and the blacking out. I got hit by the head. By someone who has to do with Kayla. Shes probably even willing to kill me for Cam. The body beside me was a very worried looking Cam.

"J what happened?" he asked carrassing my face.

"N- nothing." I stuttered.

As soon as I avoided eye contact, he knew I was lying.

"Sweetie if nothing happened, I wouldn't have ended up here finding you on the bathroom floor." he said with a serious tone.

I bit my lip and wondered what to say. Should I tell him anything? I looked at Cam once and knew i need to make a decision. I have to stay away from him. Let Kayla win. I mean I had no idea her making our lives living hell, would probably end up getting us killed. I mean I jsut can't imagine life without my mate, now that I knbow hwo he is. Only choice. Let go of the person i possibly love already. My soulmate. I took one last look into Cam's beautiful green eyes; got up.

"Stay away from me! I don't want to ever see you again" I spat out narrowing my eyes at him.

He looked at me shocked then turned his head away. Wow I had no idea just a few words could've hurt him. I watch as he clutch the spot where his heart was then spoke.

"Jez have you lost your mind?" he asked with pain filled eyes.

"Nawh." I said leaving my outside emotionless.

"But everything was just perfectly fine a minute ago."

"It's called acting." I said smiling evily.

"How could you just act such thing!" he yelled out looking straight into my eyes.

"No one said I was much good hearted have I?"

He looked at my doubtly, but then as a few minutes passed by he noticed that I didn't look like I was lying. He started breathing really quickly; walked right out of the door, then I assume he probably ran off changing to his wolf.

Pain. I feel pain. I hated lying. Guilt filled me as I kept thinking of my words. Never would I act feelings of love. Yet to him I just did. He shall never forgive me. I mean pain kills...doesn't it?

Go after him right now and tell him all you did was cause of the Kayla.my wolf said to me.

No. I would not.I thought back.

You might loose him. Possibly forever. It said back to me

.As if. He needs his mate. I mean he's alpha after all.

My wolf replied with:We'll see.

I stand there looking at the mirror in front f me. My reflection just looks lonely. I turned my head, bent down to pick up my purse and walked out of the ladies room. I walked out of the big doors of the theater and sniffed the air. Everything doesn't seem right. I slowly took a few steps making way home, but then a few seconds later, I got a new text.

I opened it.

You did a good job. Now that you've done it. Don't go back to him. 

Holy crap. I turn my head cautiously looking for signs of others near me, but I see nothing but pitch black and a few street lights. Impossible. Did she just hire people to spy on me. I picked up my pace and around 15 minutes later I got home. I hopped on my bed and sleep face down. With just those things I did today. I should not ever be treated nice. And I should get back at her. don't you think?

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