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Haters To Mates - Part 8

We all ran towards where the scream came from. No sooner than later we approached a girl. Probably our age screaming her head off. In front of her was a guy, probably from another school since none of us recognized him; from what i see from our faces. I ran towards her and covered my hands over her mouth. Her eyes widened at me and she stopped screaming. I looked at the guy; he looked at the group of us and ran off.

"Why are you screaming?"

"That guy..th-t-tha guy..." she trailed off; she glanced at us once and buried her face in her palms.

"Okay, let's start over. I'm Jez," I said introducing myself.

I continued on pointing at the rest of us. "Cam, Megan, Paul."

She looked up at us eyes shining beneath the night sky.

"Maya," she spoke out quietly.

I watched as Maya looked at us all one-by-one stopping at Cam. A growled escaped me and I nodded apologetically at her. Damn wolf. She isn't doing anything. She smiled, turned her head over to Paul and Megan; and Megan clutched Paul's arm. Paul put a hand on top her hand and they shared a sweet glance. Maya smiled at them and looked down at the floor. I glanced at Cam, none of us have anything we want to say. He kissed the top of my head and held on tight to me. He whispered I will NEVER leave your side.

"You sure bout that?"


"Okay...If you say so."

I looked away from Cam and found everyone staring at us.

"Okay what did I miss!"

Megan giggle, and they just walked away. I glanced at Cam and he shrugged.

"Wait. You guys! Seriously, What did I miss!" I yelled out chasing behind them.

They ignored me. I gave them a slight growl and they stopped walking away.



"Right...anyways Maya, how come I haven't seen you before? Do you attend another school? Just moved here? Like..." I started blabbing out.


"Oh. So are you still home-schooled?" Cam asked curiously.

"No. Im switching to that high school nearby; tomorrow." she said smiling.

"Oh, oh, oh, we are gonna be in the same school!" Megan squeaked out loudly.

Maya just smiled at us, and told us she had to leave. Then the rest of us walked back towards where the party was and looked for signs of Kayla. No. Nope. Nada. No. Yawning and eyes drifting, We all said our good-byes and well 'be carefuls' and went home. No let me rephrase. I went to Cam's house. He went no way, with me being home alone when Kayla was on the loose. Also well, he still doesn't know bout my dad. If he did. He might even forbid me from going home. I dived onto his bed and a gush of air went into my nose. Mmm. Smells like home. No. Cam. Whoops. I buried my face in his pillow and I heard a soft chuckled behind me. A minute later he slipped into the covers and wrapped his arms around me. Home. I layed my head on his bare chest and slowly drifted...to sleep.

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