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Haters To Mates - Part 9

"Yo, you guys wait up!"

Automatically me and Megan turned our heads finding a Maya reaching for us.

"What's up."

"Umm, can you guys help me find my way around the school, I mean just for today cause this map stinkin' kills," Maya said fidgeting with her papers.

"Here pass me your schedule," I said sticking out my hand.

Her papers came into my hands, and I skimmed down the paper. A few classes with me and a few classes with Megan.

"You've got each class with at least one of us," I said passing the papers back to her.

"Oh," she said smiling.

I linked arms with Megan and also linked my other arm with Maya's then all 3 of us slowly entered the school. Passing the boys I gave Cam a wink, Megan just flushed pink as Paul pecked her cheeks. I started laughing as Cam walked right up to us, and wrapped his arms around me. I turn myself around facing face-to-face with him. We smiled and he brought my lips to his, for a kiss.

"Party's at 6," Cam murmured in my ear and he pulled me to the next class.


Through the day everyone's been talking about the party, about how there will be this and that there, and how it will rock and what they are wearing. Damn people. Where do you even find the time to think about all this.

Today is gonna be a great heckful.



Everyone was singing and dancing, grinding, ya name it and I bet it's happening in here somewhere.

Cam kissed the top of my head as we walked around funny. Well it looked funny cause he was walking with me stepping on him. Pretty much we are waddling around the house.

"PARTTYYY!" Someone screamed out jumping on top of a table.

People cheered and danced around again until someone changed the music and it got all quiet. Awkward. My throat went dry as well, so I pulled Cam over and sat near the 'bar'.

I found a seat and got comfy leaning back to him. I feel woozy in this crowd of people. He buried his face in my shoulder-blades and we just sat there in the same position, but swaying to the music every few seconds. My eyes started travelling around when it settled on Maya. She was smiling shyly, her hands behind her when a guy approached her. They immediately started chatting and seemed close together. Maybe their mates?

Okay... I kept looking around looking for a spot to settle on, then I found a shoe flipping off the stairs, and no sooner hair...

'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" a high pitched familiar tone screamed.

Everyone froze and turned their attention to where the scream came from. Right there I found a body laying face flat on the ground. Blood was now spaltered everywhere with broken glass under the body. Someone bravely jogged over there and flipped the body over. There was Kayla with a piece of glass sticking out of her cheeks and white bubbly liquid squirting out of her mouth.

Out of nowhere some girl screamed bloody murder and ran out of the house. Dammit people, save my ears! She's probably scared and at the same time scarred. I hopped off my seat and walked over to where Kayla's body laid.

"She's dead! She's freaking dead!" screamed some bimbo that was covered in red. It was from her spiked punch, not blood...thank god.

People pushed and shoved each other as they tried to see what happened. I pushed through the crowd with Cam hot on my heels. I slowly bent down inspecting Kayla while Cam instructed everyone to not do anything.

I gentally put my hand on the back of Kayla's head rying not to move anything, in case she wasnt dead and I might damage something else. There was blood covering every single inch of her.

I flinched at her opened eyelids, and ran a hand down to close them. It's hard to work with pure white eyeballs looking at you.

Wiping the blood off onto Kayla's shirt, I walked up the stairs being careful of my steps. Looks like she slipped and fell of a flight of stairs then somehow managed to fall off the stairs. I browsed all over the floor finding foot prints, more broken pieces of glass and the bottom of another glass cup. Yet I think this was her cup too. How do I know it was hers?

You could see her lip marks on it. Nasty. Bloody red colour. I put the cup near my face looking at each inch, not daring to touch them. No. I'm not some detective, just I read alot of those books back then and well I'm going to work like them. I knew it. Drugs. She may've been taking drugs, pills whatever it is, but there's a hint of white in the cup.

Great. Was she poisoned? Who the hell knows, then she fell off probably tumbling from the fact she fell close to unconsciousness. I slowly made my way back down the stairs being careful I don't step on anything that may harm me. Cam glanced at me and gave a sad smile. No one wants death. Well, not someone from their own pack that is 'cause even though Kayla was evil and even attempted to kill me,it  isn't right.

"Call the ambulance and see what they can do," I mumbled taking one last glance at the now lifeless Kayla. I walked over to Cam and hugged on tight to him. I heard sirens nearing as time pass. Everyone left, while others cleaned up the place making sure everything seems more spotless. We opened the door letting the trained people pass. When, just when will this all end. And how. Just how did I get into all these situations.

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