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Haters To Mates - Part 3

"Megan! Wait up!"

Turning around Megan said hey back smiling. I wonder why she doesn't have a boyfriend. I mean she's sweet. But unless she's really just going to sit here and wait for her mate that is. Or maybe she already met her mate. Just no one has made a move. Like I think Paul might be her mate. Makes me remember. There's a question I have to ask her.

"Do you know where Cam moved from a few years ago?"

"Uh, I think it was somewhere along Forks, why?"

Oh. My. God. It. Is. Him.

"Errm. It's nothing. Just wondering." I smiled. "C'mon let's get into that stupid classroom before we are late!" I said as I started dragging her to the school.

"Wait! I promised Paul last night that I'm going to wait for him here," She said as she rip her wrists away from my grip.

"Mates?" I asked as I glanced at Paul.

"What! No!" She snapped back biting her bottom lips.

"Right, I sooo believe you." I said with my sarcastic voice.

"Okay, fine. All I can say is I THINK he's my mate, but please don't talk to him bout it, he doesn't know, and if he does, it might ruin our friendship." She looked at me with a pleading look.

"How the heck does he not know your his mate? I mean isn't he supposed to know right away from your 'oh so sweet' scent, and dont you guys feel the tingles or like the shocking feeling?"

"And that is why I avoid physical contact with him."

"Wow, just-"

I was about to continue, but the bell cut me off.Ah Crap. The late bell.

"C'mon Megan let's go! That was the last bell! You don't wanna be more late!"

"Late. Crap."

"Well then let's go!" I said as I started tugging at her. Walking past Paul and dragging him with us too.

~Cam's Pov~

"Kayla, get off me."

Kayla pouts, "but why? We love each other and well I've been in that spot for the last years now. Now come here."

"No. Leave me alone."

"Why would I do that? Anyways its takes more than just words for me to give up, you know." She said grinning evilly.

"Slut." I said under my breath.

"You did not just call me that!" she yelled out face starting to flame up.

"Uh, I did."

"Cameron Chris Lyons, I'm about to make your life a freaking living hell."

"You already did."

A couple of the people around us gasped and she stomped off. I'm sure the fact it's Kayla we're talking about here, this would not be the end of it.

BAM. Everyone looked up. Mr Vincent seems to be highly pissed off today. "Heeeee" I looked around. I could've sworn someone made a heeee sound. I stiffened. Looking up to find everyone staring at the door, I found Jez, Paul and Megan standing at the door, looking like they are about to piss in their pants from the embrassment.

"Miss. Johnson, Miss. Francis and Mr. West. May I ask why you guys are late for class?" Mr Vincent said glaring at them.

" Sir we're sorry, we just got caught up chatting outside. This won't happen again" Jez replied with a calm gentle voice.

With my sensitive ears, I heard someone clearing their throats, turning my attention to Kayla, she was grinning, probably with some evil plan in her head. She mouthed some words at me that I can't make out. I watch her pull out her phone and typing away on it. A few seconds later, I felt a vibrate in my pants pockets.

"I see the way your watching her, secrets out."

I looked up in concern hearing a sigh from Mr. Vincent. Mr Vincent motioned my mate to get to a empty seat; and pay attention; apparently the only empty seat left was beside me. So Jez walked over and put her valuables down, took out her notebook and pencil; and looked anywhere but where I was. My girl is one of a kind. Akhem. Our. Right our girl.

~Jez's Pov~

Awh great. So much for being late. First the class stares at me. Then the girls glare at me. Then I have to sit beside Cam. Now what next? I mean I know games on with Kayla, but I rather jsut not get too close to him, in case there's something up his sleeve. I mean mates still betray each other, even with the bond. Especially since we both hated each other back then. He would trip me, tease me, make me do things, oh god. Bad memories. I mean just why him! Out of all these guys in the world my mate just has to be him. I mean mates with him juxt doesn't seem right. I mean this boy , ugh. Just. Okay, first we went to the same elementary school, then we attended the same high school, he leaes for a few years, I move. And we end up at the same high school together again. We just can;t try to mess with fate came we? I looked up to find Mr. Vincent 'scolding' at us for being late then I saw Cam's jaw drop. I think Mr. Vincent just mentioned my last name. I motioned my fingers as a bug and buzzing it to my mouth, when Cam was watching. He rolled his eyes at me then gave me a warm smile. But was that even possible? To be able to meet someone again after 3 years after finally getting rid of them? Yes. It is. Just look at the situation I am in right now.


Shoving everything in my bag. Done. As I was about to leave. I felt a spark in my pocket. I looked up to find Cam smiling at me and then pointed at a note. Taking the note out I flipped it open. In the middle of the torn paper it read:

Library @ Lunch

-Cameron Chris Lyons.

Picking up the note I stared at it. No. I chucked the note at a garbage can. I was right. It was him. That terrible nightmare of mine; Chris. That jerk. I even used to like him. You still do. Uh, No i Don't. You have to. He's our mate. If I had a choice, they will be no way in hell. Actually you would've picked him even if it wasn't for fate. Sureee I would.

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