Chapter Twenty-Nine: Why... Why-Why Are You So... Ugh!

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29) can do your hair better than you can

I was getting ready to go out with Riley, Lucas, and Farkle. We still had yet to see the new Civil War movie. There was a solid division. Farkle stood his ground for Team Tony and science-y crap. Riley, Lucas, and I were definitely Team Cap.

I was all ready, clothes and makeup. But I couldn't figure out what to do with my hair. I could see Josh in the mirror standing behind me as I struggled with my hair.

He chuckled, "Need a little help?"

"Oh like you would be able to..." I scoffed.

Josh took the brush out my hand and began to pull my hair out of my face. It was, in fact, the brush I bought him and stole back. He, thankfully, didn't say anything about it. In only a few minutes, I had two perfect Dutch braids running down either side of my head.

"Why-why... Why are you so...? Ugh!!" How could he do that?

"I had a girl best friend all through elementary and middle school." He explained, as if that answers everything.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"She left me for another group of friends and never talked to me again. It was weird. As if having a guy best friend suddenly wasn't cool anymore." He frowned. I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Thanks, Josh." I smiled, seeing that my new braids went perfectly with what I was wearing and I still had time to spare. I figured that I shouldn't remind him of how cool Lucas, Farkle, and Zay are. That would probably make him feel worse. I guess he was a cool guy friend too.

Maybe I could get used to living with this guy. He could be good for a few things.

A/N: Jeez, I feel like it's been forever since I updated. Oh wait... It has been. I'm still in school but once it winds down, I'll have way too much time on my hands. You'll get your chapters. I promise. Thanks for sticking with me, those of you who are still there. 6K views! Holy crap guys! I love you so much!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Girl Meets World characters or the Marvel characters that I mentioned earlier.

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