Chapter Forty-Eight: Snooping

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48) do not leave anything personal lying around. Especially if you have a diary/journal

Let's just set things straight right off the bat....

I do not have a diary or journal. I do not write out sappy feelings about crushes and girly drama and which purse I want to buy next at the mall. I do not repeatedly doodle my first name followed by my crush's last name inside intricate hearts. I do not complain about how gross the last selfie I posted on Instagram looked. I do not complain about how Starbucks sold out of my favorite coffee flavor. I do not complain that oh my gosh... so and so wore the same shirt as me today, how dare she. I do not complain about how my hot celebrity crush now has a girlfriend that is annoying and ugly and so not his taste. That's Riley's job and even she doesn't do that. Honestly... Who does?

I have a quote on quote "journal." It's not even one really... It's a small sketchbook where if I'm having an extreme mood, I let everything pour out into a picture. I'm not very good at expressing my feelings so I let them pile up inside of me. At some point, the volcano has got to explode... Right?

So one night, I felt all those feelings pushing on the walls of my locked up cell inside of me. I snatched the sketchbook out of my desk drawer and began to furiously scribble across the pages. I used charcoal that ended up smudged all over my hands, plain white t-shirt, and the pages, as well as on my face a little. At least I let the feelings out before it was too late and something bad happened and went horribly wrong.

The time on the clock read 1:37... I hadn't realized how late I'd stayed up. I carelessly slid the sketchbook onto my desk and almost instantly fell asleep.

The next morning, my alarm didn't go off. I scrabbled out of bed, through on dirty jeans and one of my band t-shirts, and raced out of my room.

"Bye Josh!" I called as I grabbed a Poptart out of the cupboard.

I raced out the front door and ran all the way to get to my class on time.

I never even thought about my sketchbook the whole day. Normally I keep it hidden because those are private drawings that reflect what I keep pent up inside of me. If I wanted people to see those drawings, I would just express my feelings openly to everyone.

Classes finally ended and I wanted to get home and go back to bed. I regretted staying up late last night and doing that entire drawing. That's when I remembered where I left my sketchbook... Out on the desk for anyone who walks by to look at... Open to the public eye...

I raced home even faster. Josh had the day off of classes to study for finals the next day. He was in the house with my completely exposed and completely private sketchbook.

NOOOOO! My brains screamed.

Upon entering through the front door, my worst nightmares came true. Josh was lounging on the couch, flipping through my sketchbook.

"Maya... There you are... These drawings are really good... Where do you get your inspiration?" He questioned.

"None of your business." I marched across the floor and snatched it right out of hands without any second thought.

"Oh my gosh... Is that like your diary...?" He seemed to be mocking me.

"No... Of course not. I'm the Maya Hart. The Maya Hart doesn't keep a diary. I'm not some frilly girly girl..." I almost barfed at the thought of myself being like that.

"It's your diary... Yup, it's definitely your diary..." Josh concluded.

"It is not!" I stormed off and hid by sketchbook in an even more secret spot than just my desk drawer.

I can't tell you where unless you decide to go tell Josh...

But to this day, I will always remember the lesson I learned then: Never leave anything private lying around for Josh to get his prying eyes on... Never ever ever...

A/N: There we go... Oh by the way... I probably should've mentioned this before... This is really cruel of me... I know, I know... Unfortunately, the next chapter is the last... I know... I am quite saddened for this to end... Until next time...

Disclaimer: I don't own Instagram, Starbucks, or any of the Girl Meets World characters...

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