Chapter Forty-Five: Clingy Puppy Dog

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45) turns into clingy puppy dog when he's sick and won't let go of you

Annoying coughs and sneezes echoed from Josh's bedroom amongst the occasional sound of his nose being blown. How about... Gross. There was no way I could focus on my heaps of homework...

I slid off my bed and my knit socks caused me to slip on the hardwood floor. A huge bang echoed over the sounds of sickness.

"Maya... Are you okay?" Josh's voice was hoarse and almost gone mixed with the sound your voice gets when you have a stuffy nose.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just slipped." I padded across the hallway, "Do you need anything?"

"A dew box of tissues would be great." Josh responded. New sounded like dew with his cold.

"Coming right up. How about soup and a movie too?" I backed to the doorway on my way to the kitchen.

Josh nodded. He had dark circles under his eyes from a few nights of restlessness. His cheeks were flushed pink and his nose was red from blowing it so many times. I couldn't help but feel bad. I think I gave him my cold when he stayed home to take care of me last week...

I returned, handed him the tissues, popped the movie into the side of my laptop, and almost immediately left the room again to check on the soup. It had cooked fast and was finished only in a few minutes.

"Why are we watching Lady and the Tramp?" Josh asked, slurping his hot chicken noodle soup.

"I don't know. I felt like it, okay?" I sat on the floor at the foot of the bed and leaned against it.

Halfway into the movie, Josh finally finished his soup. I stood to take the bowl from him and... he puked all over my feet. The vomiting led to a coughing fit.

"Awww... Baby... Shhhh... It's okay...." I rubbed his back with one hand while I peeled off my gross socks with the other.

"Sorry..." He whispered. His voice seemed to have decreased in volume even further to the point where it was on the brink of being lost.

"No no. Don't be. You can't help it. You're sick. Why don't you go lay in my bed with the laptop and I'll clean up in here?" Good thing there's no carpeting save for the bath mat and rug under the couch.

Before anything, I brought Josh a bigger-sized bowl in case he get like he was going to throw up again. Then I plugged the sink, added hot water and soap, and soaked my socks in it. Leaving my socks to soak, I moved on to cleaning up the floor with hot soapy water in the bucket that we typically use to scrub the floors. It took a while to get it clean and to stop smelling bad, but I accomplished the seemingly impossible feat.

I returned to my room just as Lady and the Tramp ended. But Josh wasn't even watching anymore. He was tucked in with the blankets pulled up to his chin and fast asleep. He looked at a state of peace almost. I could tell he was starting to feel a little better. The sleeping was a sure sign of that. I moved the laptop to my desk and smoothed his hair away from his sweaty forehead.

"Feel better, babe..." I placed a kiss on his cheek, switched off the lights, and left him in peace.

A/N: sorry for yet another short chapter. Also I'm sorry if puking makes you feel queazy and you didn't enjoy that chapter. There won't be anymore like it. I promise. Well... That's all for now... Until next time my pretties...

Disclaimer: Lady and the Tramp and Girl Meets World belong to Disney.

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