Chapter Forty-Six: Beware

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46) heavy and warm. Beware if he ever ends in bed with you for whatever reason, like his sleep walking

So.... Remember I told you that Josh is a sleep walker? Well, you better. I'm gonna refer back to it right about... now...

So I was finally just turning out my lights for the night after finishing a sketchbook assignment. Josh has been asleep for quite awhile, judging by the fact that I hadn't seen light emanating from any other room in the apartment for a couple of hours.

Falling against the pillows, I got to relax for the first time in that horridly long day. Unfortunately, I wasn't relaxed enough to fall asleep yet. My mind kept wandering to far off corners that it rarely ever ventured to. I felt as if it was stalking me from sleeping. Stupid brain... No matter how high I counted or how hard I tried to focus on one sold thing, I could calm my mind down.

That's when I heard the floorboards creaking...

"Josh, you can't scare me if I heard you coming ahead of time... Jeez, you're so bad at this." I called.

No reply.

"Riley? Since when do you use the door?" Maybe it wasn't Josh. He would've said something like "awe dang it" and came in to sit with me by now.

Again, no response. Riley would've giggled uncontrollably then come in and told me some ridiculous story about some date that she and Lucas went on.

"Lucas? Farkle? Smackle? Hello? Anybody?" Maybe the apartment was just settling in on itself. But the persistent creaking of the floor told me otherwise. Something wasn't right here.

I was too afraid to get out of bed. What if it was a serial killer? Or a zombie? Or worse, Corey Matthews? Okay that last one was a joke but seriously... Okay Maya, you've been watching way too many horror movies, I had to tell myself.

"Hello?" I called even louder one last time.

Still no response.

I sat up in bed, wrapped the covers tight around myself, and waited. Whoever was here would know I'm in here by now. I've been shouting out random crap for the past seven or eight minutes now.

My door creaked open.

A dark shadow stepped through the doorway.

I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the worst.

More creaking footsteps lunged forward at an extremely slow pace.

My eyes remained shut.

A heavy, warm mass fell clumsily into my lap.

I opened my eyes to discover Josh had been sleepwalking again. Really? I got myself all worked up for this oaf to come traipsing in here? My god... I need to quit watching anything and everything scary that comes on TV.

"Josh... Josh... Wake up... You're in my bed..." I shook and shook him. My only response was a soft snort and the shifting of his head to face away from my stomach.

"Josh..." I struggled to lift him off me and rolled him into my bed, all the way against the wall... "What do I feed you that makes you so heavy?" I grunted, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

I crawled in next to him and pulled the covers up. He was always so warm... I snuggled into his warm chest and feel this arm fall across my waist.

"Love you..." He whispered.

"Have you been awake this entire time?" I whispered back.

"Maybe..." I could hear the smile in his voice. Don't ask how I knew, I just did. Far too hard to explain.

"You quote on quote slept walked on purpose just so you could come in here and lay with me?" I was touched. That's a really cute gesture.

"Maybe..." He used the same response as last time.

"Well, then I'm not letting you leave..." And with that, I finally fell asleep.

A/N: I felt like posting another chapter. I was extremely bored today. So here it is. Hope you like it. It's a little bit longer than my normal chapters. Not by much, but still longer. Until next time...

Disclaimer: I do not own the Girl Meets World characters that I mentioned in this chapter. Or any of them for that matter.

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