Chapter Five: Health Food Junkie

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5) forces you to eat healthy. Low sodium. Sugar free. Low calories. It'll drive you insane.

After a long day, all a girl really wants is to be left alone with her chocolate, right? Well... Not in this apartment.

I had had some extremely tough classes that day and when I got home, whipped a candy bar out of my bag. It wouldn't have mattered what kind, but this time it was my favorite, almond dark chocolate Hershey's. Yum... I was only a few bites in when it was ripped from my hands.

"No junk! It's not good for you. You'll get all fat and stuff." Fat and stuff? Sounded exactly like Josh knew what he was talking about.

"Really? Come on... You don't have to eat junk food, but I'm gonna." I demanded and snatched the Hershey's bar back out of his hand.

And he took it right back. I didn't even get to take another bite.

"This isn't fair!" I complained.

"Life isn't fair!" He countered.

Then I asked a quite simple, one-word question: "Why?"

"I just feel that obesity and diabetes are a huge problem in the US, so if I start with just a couple people cutting back on unhealthy stuff, then maybe I can make a huge difference in the future."

"You can try, Joshie, but America loves their sugar. They are not gonna give it up easily. Especially to a guy like you. How do I know you're not gonna eat that later?"

"No... I'm serious. I wanna test this theory. And besides I'm not gonna eat that candybar. It's been in your mouth."

Yet you're touching it, I thought.

"You and your big grown-up, college words..." I laughed. I couldn't help it.

"They're not that big of words, Maya. And you're in college too."

"But for a different reason. You're here to be educated in smart people stuff. I'm here to be educated in creative people stuff." I want to be an artist. That'll be my major.

"Fine. Whatever you say. But still no junk food."

It was worth a shot arguing against him. It was also worth a shot changing the subject to try and get him to forget about the candy. Though I kinda figured it wouldn't work.

So no junk food... Now what?

A/N: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Time for thankfulness and good food. Lol
so..... now what? Huh? What's she gonna do? Guess you'll have to wait to find out. :) What would you do without your junk food? Let me know in the comments and whoever has the best idea will get theirs put into the next chapter. Maybe...

Disclaimer: I do not own Disney's Girl Meets World characters.

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