Chapter Thirty-Five: Oh Mama Matthews...

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35) invites Mama Matthews over twice a month. Said mom will proceed to believe you are his girlfriend. Don't bother trying to correct her, it will do no good

"Oh... I'm so glad I get to see my Joshie!" Mrs. Matthews exclaimed as "Joshie" let her into our apartment.

I was hidden in the bathroom. I've tried hiding in my room in the past. She'll barge right in and drag me out. I figured if I went into the bathroom and locked the door, she wouldn't bother me. If she asked why I was holed up in there, I would just tell her my stomach has been bothering me today.

Don't get me wrong... Mrs. Matthews is a very sweet lady. But in a few minutes, you'll see why I hide pretty much every time. And Josh will not let me make plans on the days she comes to visit.

"Where's Maya?" I heard her ask cheerfully. I gulped.

"Oh, she's around here somewhere..." Josh replied and I heard his footsteps come down the hallway.

"Maya! Come out of your room. My mom's here." He called, "And you're not in your room... Where are you?"

"In here..." I croaked, trying my best to sound as if I wasn't feeling well. But Josh knew me too well.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're sick. You were fine this morning. Please come out. She's only here for a few hours. She adores you." Josh pleaded with me.

I shook my head, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "I'm not coming out." I responded.

Then I heard another set of feet come down the hallway. It didn't take a genius to know it was Mrs. Matthews. I braced myself for the comment she made about me every time she came here. It was bound to pop out of that bright red lipstick covered mouth sometime soon.

Just like Topanga is afraid of the criticism she gets from Josh and Cory's mom on her cooking, I'm afraid of the name I've been penned.

"Joshie, where's your little girlfriend?" And there it is.

I held back a protest. Living with Josh does not mean that I'm dating him. I've tried every single argument that I could possibly think of. Nothing works on her. She always retorts with the same thing: "But that's not what Joshie tells me..." What does he tell his mother? I've never gotten around to interrogating him about it. He always pulls out the doe eyes and tells me how much it means to him that I'm so kind to his mother after she leaves and I completely forget. But I will not forget this time.

"I'm not feeling too well." I coughed a little bit for good measure.

"Maya... You were fine this morning." Josh calls back to me.

I can almost see him with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows knit together. I can also picture his mom next to him, frowning disapprovingly. I breathe a heavy sigh and unfold my legs from underneath me to get off the toilet seat. I splash cold water on my face and take my time drying my face on the hand towel. Then I slowly unlock the door and twist the knob, but Josh flings it open.

"Come on," He insists, "We've already got a card game set up."

All through the rest of the afternoon, Mrs. Matthews calls me Josh's girlfriend and tells us what a cute couple we make. My brain screams and scolds her. Josh and I aren't a couple!!!! Why does she think that?!?!

I sat in one of the wooden chairs around the kitchen table for six hours. When Mrs. Matthews left, my butt was so sore and my legs were so stiff that when I stood, they felt like Jell-o. I stumbled a bit and Josh caught me in his arms. He pulled me upright so our faces were just inches apart and his hands lingered on my waist. I looked into those big brown eyes that sparkled as he looked back down at me.

"Josh..." I breathed silently. His grip tightened slightly on my waist, pulling me closer to him. My breath hitched and caught in the back of my throat.

"Maya..." He breathed back.

He leaned in, closing the gap between us. I knew he was gonna kiss me. But I had to ask him something first. Something that had been nagging me for a really long time.

"Josh, why does your mom think I'm you're girlfriend?" I asked.

His eyes widened in shock. I don't think he was expecting me to ask that. Then a blush crept across his cheeks.

"I may or may not have told her that you were..." I whispered.

"What?" I wasn't furious, just... I don't even know what I was feeling at the moment.

"I was kinda hoping you'd be okay with it." He moved one hand from my waist to rub the back of his neck, like he always does when he's unsure of something.

I didn't say anything in response. I just quickly closed the gap and pressed my lips to his. Sparks seemed to fly between us and a fireworks show danced in my belly. I had been waiting for this moment for so long and I finally got it. I reached my hands up and tangled them in his messy chocolate brown hair, deepening the kiss. Josh tightened his grip on my waist even further, drawing me closer so that our bodies were pressed close together with no space between. We were on fire, inseparable. It seemed as if the whole world had stopped and it was just the two of us in this moment infinitely.

A/N: and shabooya!!! *applause* thank you, thank you very much. I know it's what y'all have been waiting for. It's what I've been waiting for too. I loved writing that seen. It just made me happy inside. I don't know why. But I hope you all like it. Stay tuned for more soon. :):):)

Disclaimer: Maya and Josh are not mine. Neither is Jell-o. 😂😂😂

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