Chapter Thirty-Seven: Classical Music

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37) the classical music...

When I came home from classes, covered in paint and exhausted, all I wanted to do was flop on the couch and relax. But it was hard to relax with weird piano and violin music playing in the background. Most people would think that's relaxing but for me, it was just annoying.

I can't really explain why I found it annoying. I guess all I really wanted was some peace and quiet. But with Josh always around, that's really hard.

Then it hit me. That annoying music is probably his. Since when is he a classical type of guy? I never pegged him to be that type of person. Ew. Just no. Turn it off. Please.

"Josh! Turn your music off or at least down!" I hollered.

"Why? It's calming." He hollered back.

"No! It's annoying! Just turn it down at least. I'm trying to get some peace and quiet." I argued.

"Fine!" The music was turned down considerably then drowned by heavy footsteps making their way down the hallway towards where I was splayed on the couch.

Josh collapsed into the reclining chair across from me. He looked just about as tired as I was. Now that there was soft music in the background, it was almost calming. Our breathing filled the room. That and the gentle creak of Josh's chair rocking back and forth, back and forth, were the only other sounds in the room. I could almost fall asleep.

My eyes began to flutter, the kids feeling heavy. My mind began to wander into a dream-like state. But something deep inside me knew that Josh wasn't just being nice and keeping me company as I lay there. He wanted, or even worse needed, something.

"Do you need something Josh?" I asked as politely as possible. He was getting in the way of my nap time. It's hard to be polite at that point.

"Yeah, just one sec. I have a question for you..." And with that, he was out of his chair and back down the hall.

And suddenly, the music was turned back up. Now it was a slow waltz in three fourths time. Don't ask how I know that...

Josh came back down the hallway and dipped into a grand sweeping bow. Then he held his hand out for me to take.

"Maya," Josh asked, "will you dance with me?"

I was flattered. There was no way I could say no. So of course I said yes. Well I didn't actually say it. I just placed my hand in his and stood up from the couch.

And we waltzed. I knew enough about dancing to just follow the guy's lead. So the first half of the dance I spent looking at the floor, watching his feet and trying to pick up the intricate steps. It wasn't easy, I'll tell ya. But in the end, I got it down pat. And it was really fun too.

When it was all over, Josh bowed and I curtsied with my imaginary skirt. I felt like a medieval lady-in-waiting and he was a noble knight of the royal court. We were at a ball surrounded by lords and dukes and princesses in huge swirling skirts of every color and hair piled on their heads higher than the Empire State Building. A live band played all the music and the king and queen oversaw everything from their thrones at the head of the room. The ballroom was big enough to fit the whole village but it felt like it was just Josh and me.

Oh... I love when my imagination gets the best of me. It takes me places I'll never visit.

I looked up at Josh and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. His unshaved scruff tickled and scratched my chin.

"Now I should probably take that nap..." I giggled and waltzed off to my bedroom, humming the song Josh and I had just danced to. I had a feeling that that dance would be in my dreams.

A/N: and finis! What'd you think? Hopefully good things right? Are the chapters too short? I feel like there's a million things I should be doing better but aren't. Ugh! Just give me some feedback and maybe I'll chill out a little. Thanks for reading!!

Disclaimer: These characters are figments of someone else's imagination. Though I have a large one, they were not produced in mine.

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