Chapter Ten: Trashing Dates

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10) trashes all dates you have and won't shut up about how you could do much better

As I said before, I've had multiple boyfriends. And usually I go on one trial date with the guy before I decide whether or not he's compatible with me. And let's just say I have reallyhigh standards, meaning that most guys get rejected.

So on one particular evening, I was having a movie date. I once again don't remember the guy's name so for the sake of things let's call him... Bill... I also don't remember whether we were actually dating or if this swathe trial run.

So the movie date wasn't at the theatre, it was in my apartment. And I didn't know (or care) that Josh was home. I never know when he's home. It's always different with him. When I want/need him to be home, he's not. But he always picks the absolute wrong time to be home.

Bill and I were watching Catching Fire, I believe. When Josh came stilling into the room, screaming into his phone. I paused the movie and threw popcorn at him. He kept screaming into the phone, but was staring creepily at Bill. After a few more fistfuls of popcorn, he stormed off.

After Bill left, Josh came out of his room immediately to question me.

"That guy, Maya? Really?" He questioned.

"Yeah, why not?" I replied.

"You can do so much better." He reminded me before leaving.

If I had a quarter for every time I heard him say that, I'd be a millionaire.

A/N: sorry for yet another short chapter. I know I promised longer ones but at the time when I made the list, they all seemed like promising ideas. Now that I've actually started turning the list items in stories, some of them are just lacking that little extra spark that makes the chapters fantabulous. But they're still good right? Please let me know if there's anything I'm doing wrong or if there's something I can do better. Thanks for sticking with me guys. Love y'all so much!

Disclaimer: I do not own Maya Hart or Joshua Matthews or any of the other Girl Meets World characters. But I do own Bill. He's mine; I made him up.

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