Chapter Forty-Four: Irritated

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44) gets jealous/annoyed/irritated when you hit on his friends. So by all means do it


Josh had been particularly irritating that morning. It all started like this:

"Maya, load the dishwasher."

"Maya, vacuum up the crumbs from your Poptart."

"Maya, you left paint tubes on the table again."

"Maya, you still didn't wipe that paint off the floor."

"Maya, you're canvas is still on the counter."

"Maya... You never did my laundry?"

"Maya, you left the TV on."

"Maya, where'd you hide the remote?"

"Maya, it's your turn to clean the bathroom." (Even though I did it the week before. Technically, it's his turn.)

He nagged me all morning for all the stupid little things. If he weren't a guy, I'd say he's on his period.

Loading the dishwasher is reasonable, but vacuuming up crumbs can be left until we vacuum the whole apartment. My paint tubes can be left on the table; it's not the end of the world, especially when this apartment is so small that there's no space for anything. And I did wipe the paint off the floor. I don't know what he was seeing when he said that. My canvas had to stay on the counter, seeing as though it was drying and last time I let it dry in my room, I forgot it there. I never did his laundry because he never asked me to and he usually always does his own or makes the Matthews do it. And he was the one that left the TV on and lost the remote. He needs to think before he says things... I swear that boy will be the death of me.

Now that we cleared that up... He's having friends over. I think it's time for payback... Don't you? I mean, revenge is best served cold, but this mama has got to be hot for this one.

My plan: to hit on his friends. He hates it when I do it. (I've only done it once before.) It was easy to hit on guys. Especially with the friends he has coming over. Griffin, Skylar, and Caleb... They were all pretty cute/decent looking. Not too much of a challenge. Last time it was a bit of a stretch for me. Milo ain't that cute. Sorry dude, but it's the cold hard truth. If you can't accept it, then learn to.

"Maya, my friends are here. You hanging out with us or not?" Josh asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" I sauntered out of my room in a spaghetti strap top and running shorts, my basic lounge attire.

"Great... Can you make us some chips and dip?"

"Nope... Sorry. But you know how to do it perfectly well. You get started on that and I'll get that door." I didn't leave any room for arguing and crossed the room in four steps to get to the door. Where as it took Josh two, I left him standing too shocked to move.

I opened the front door with a grin on my face, "Come on in boys." I stepped back to let them in while still holding the door.

"Josh... You're friends are here." I wandered down the hallway to make it seem as if I didn't care too much, but really I was just going to fix my hair and make-up. If you're gonna do payback, you've gotta do it right. To make Josh really mad at me for hitting on his friends, I've also got to look the part to make everyone in the room drool.

"Maya, aren't you hanging out with us?" Honestly, that statement that came from Josh sounded a little desperate.

"'Maybe in a minute..." Downplaying it so it sounds as if I'm doing something better than Call of Duty, which I'm not, but it's keeping them waiting.

"Sorry to keep you waiting boys." I gingerly sank into the couch cushion and picked up my lucky controller off the coffee table.

"So who am I gonna beat first?" I asked and made a big show of crossing one leg over the other.

A little whiles into the game, my flirting game had upped from the beginning at least 45 percent. And Josh was seething.

"Oh Griffin... You're so dumb sometimes..." I giggled playfully after he got killed off, bumping my shoulder into his.

"Now it's just down to me, Maya, and you Caleb." Skylar said. Josh got out early because he was so focused on me hitting on his friends.

After everyone left a few hours later, Josh immediately confronted me.

"Why do you have to hit on them like that? You know I hate it!" Josh grunted.

"I know. I just couldn't help myself. I mean, after this morning... You get what you deserve, Josh." And I left it hanging on that epically awesome note. Drop the mic.

A/N: and another one for y'all just 'cause I feel like it. What did you think? Too drawn out? That's kind of how I'm feeling but I'm not too sure. Let me know... Thank you and good night.

Disclaimer: Don't own Call of Duty. Don't own Maya and Josh. I do own Caleb, Griffin, Skylar, and Milo though. Ew... Just the image of Milo in my head... Some scrawny and scraggly guy with greasy hair, bad acne, a huge nose, crooked teeth. It makes me cringe inwardly. Almost makes me want to vomit. Okay sorry... That was probably too much information. I'll just leave y'all alone now.

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