Chapter Eighteen: Catty Haters

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18) expects you to be nice to his catty dates who automatically hate you for being his roommate.

I deal with them all the time and I'm sure you'll have to at some point. They're inevitable. There's one in every crowd and I've come across several. I know they're annoying, but deal with it.

I remember one of the experiences perfectly.

Her name was Veronica. I have to admit, she was quiet pretty. On the outside, not the inside. She had these big green eyes, long eyelashes, cute dimples, tiny little freckles dotting her cheeks and nose, a tiny but cute nose, rosy cheeks, full pink lips. You get the idea. Well I'm not done. She was the perfect height. Not too tall, definitely not over five foot eleven. But she wasn't too shorf either, like me. She was skinny and had nice hourglass curves. Her boobs and butt weren't gigantic, but they weren't small either. They were the perfect size for any guy to be attracted to. Her hair was long and wavy and blacker than the sky at midnight. It reached at least to her mid-back and Josh loved to play with it. She didn't need to wear makeup and she only ever wore mascara and maybe a bit of eyeliner. Her clothing choices weren't skimpy, like you'd expect out of a girl like her. She was often found in Converse, skinny jeans, a simple t-shirt, and depending on the weather an oversized sweatshirt.

I know. She sounds too good to be true, perfect even. But she's real. As real as the sun on a hot July afternoon. Josh absolutely loved her. She was his everything. And before I said he was stingy, well... he'd share anything with this chick. When he first told me about her, I thought she could be a possible friend to me. She sounded great. He claimed she was nice and sweet and extremely polite. And in his eyes, I guess she was. But not towards me.

Josh warned me beforehand that he was bringing her home one day. I agreed, excited to meet her. And when I heard their talking in the hall, I was happy. Happy for Josh, 'cause this was obviously the perfect girl for him and he was clearly in love. But I was also happy that I might make another friend. It wasnt often that that oppurtunity presented itself to me.

Josh entered the room and gestured to me, "Maya, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Veronica. Veronica, this my roommate Maya."

She didnt say anything. She just glared, trying to burn holes into my skin. If looks could kill, I would've been dead before I had the oppurtunity to make eye contact or even speak to her.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled. I shook it off, pretending that it never happened.

"I'm gonna go call for pizza. I'll be right back." Josh walked out, phone in hand.

"So you two live together?" Veronica asked.

"Why else would I be here?"

"Maybe he's two-timing us. You never know."

"He's not like that. I know Josh. He would never do that."

"Oh? What makes you so sure?"

"Remember? I live with him." I was not gonna bring up the past I had with Josh. That would just make things worse than they already were.

"Looks like you ladies get along perfectly." Poor Josh, he could be so blind sometimes.

Veronica swooped to his side and clung to his arm. The look she gave me screamed he's mine. This girl was creepy. What did Josh see in her?

"We got along just swell." I said sarcastically and threw in a faux enthusiastic thumbs-up.

We seemingly got along fine when Josh was around. He wanted us to get along, his girlfriend and his roommate. So we just pretended.

But then Josh had to go get the pizza...

By the time he came back, I was sitting on Veronica's back, pinning her to the floor, and sporting a black eye. Her gorgeously manicured hands were shoved up between her shoulder blades. I was obvious who won that fight.

Josh drove her home and when he came back, he would barely talk to me. His last words for the remainder of the week were: "There's ice in the fridge."

A/N: OMG! I'm so bad at this. You guys probably absoluetly hate me. I keep saying I'm going to publish often, then I never do. I apologize. I'm going to try to get with it. And don't worry. This isn't Maya's last encounter with a girl like that. (see next chapter, hint hint) Let me know what ya think and let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks. I appreciate it.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Girl Meets World characters. But I do own Veronica, and if I dare say, she's fabulous in her own way. What did you think of her?

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