Chapter 34

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While Penny and Craig were in Hawaii,the rest of us decided to get together and have a family dinner,well all except for Mr. Johnson,who was away on a business trip again.  I headed off to the grocery store alone after a workout session in the gym this morning. I slowly strolled around the store,buying some things for tonight and some for the house. I was finally at peace now that I wasn't with Trevor anymore,and now that I think of it I was really stupid to stay with him after all of that. I really thought that it was my fault for the most part,well that's what I get for cheating on Jacob. But a part of me just felt empty and that I sort of deserved what Trevor put me through. I've finally come to my senses thankfully,and all of the bruises from my previous relationship have healed,thankfully. I walked on the chip isle, getting some chips for Shad just because I love my nephew so much. I even got some candy for him. I stood waiting for a lady who was reading the back of the chips she was holding in her hand,as if she'd never bought chips before. I excused myself before reaching in front of her and getting a big bag of Doritos and throwing them in the bucket. I heard the lady gasp,making me jump too,but when I looked up at her she quickly looked away. I gave her a weird look as I walked off,but I felt her eyes on me as I exited the isle. I paid for all of my groceries and grabbed the bags,filling both of my arms with them including my purse. I found the lady three isles away from me,still staring as if she'd seen a ghost. She was really starting to creep me out but I'm not the type to confront people,so I simply smiled at her uncomfortably before exiting the grocery store.  I placed my groceries in the trunk of my car,and I heard someone trying to catch my attention as I was about to get inside and drive off. I noticed it was the same lady from the store. She walked swiftly with two bags in her hand as if she was a nervous wreck.
"I'm so sorry, u-um my name is Malina Turner." She hesitated as if regretting her decision to stop me.
"Hi, nice to meet you I'm Amaya Johnson." I smiled,shaking her hand,and waiting on her to continue.
She sighed in relief. "See I was sort of hoping you'd say that. Y-ou... Well I have a question if you don't mind. Do you have any sisters that you know of?"
I was caught off guard by the weird question,but something urged me to answer her.
"Yes,I have three sisters."
Her smile grew as her hands started to shake slightly from nervousness.
"I'm sorry if this seems weird, but will you mind stating their names please?"
I chuckled. "Okay, Penny, Kenya,.."
"And Peyton." She said excitedly,making me confused.
"So you know my sisters?"
"Yes, well,I know this may sound crazy,but ..." I looked at her round brown eyes,very similar to Penny's,and she tucked her curly shoulder length hair behind her ears. She had gorgeous dark brown skin,and she looked wealthy by her clothes.
She smiled nervously,and she took another deep breath.
"How old are you?"
"I'm nineteen. Um,ma'am why are you asking me all of this?"
She stared at me like I was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.
"Call me crazy. Lord knows I've lived a horrible,crazy life. I'm very sorry if I've bothered you in any way but of course I'd recognize my own baby girl."
My mind went blank, and she looked at me as I sat in the driver's seat of my car.
"I'm sorry,what?"
"Amaya, baby I'm your mother."
I was silent for awhile,mostly confused. I thought our mother would've been dead by now,or homeless, not as successful as this lady looks with her expensive looking clothes and don't even get me to mention the wedding ring. I examined her closer,and found some similarities in us two.
"Now I know this is a lot to take in,and I don't want to hold you up so here's my number. Please call me soon." She passed me a card with a number written on it and walked off from my car,disappearing between the other cars in the parking lot. I took a deep breath before cranking up my car and driving off to Jacob's house,the only person I could think to talk to right now. I left all of my belongings in the car and walked up to his front step,ringing the doorbell. Yasmine appeared in some sweatpants and a tank top,looking confused.
"Hey Amaya I didn't know-"
"Hey,I'm sorry I didn't call. Is Jacob here?"
"Yea,um he's just stepping out of the shower. Is everything okay?"
"Well not exactly. I really have to talk to him can I please come in?"
"Well of course. I was just about to step out for a second to go to the store anyways. She put on a hoodie that was hanging across a chair and grabbed her keys before waving and walking out. I walked in and went to their bedroom,knocking on the locked door. Jacob answered with a towel wrapped around his waist and I pushed past him,sitting on the bed. He gave me a look and waited.
"Jacob you will NEVER believe what just happened to me."
"Well hello to you too. Do you mind stepping out while I put on clothes?"
"There was this lady at the grocery store,right?" I said,ignoring his question. He sighed,getting dressed in front of me,though I paid no attention because my mind was in a different place at the time.
"Don't tell me someone tried to kidnap you.. You saw Roberto?" He slipped on some basketball shorts and a wife beater,sitting across from me on the bed.
"No no no,okay so there was this lady and she kept staring at me and she was really creeping me out?"
"Did she try to hit on you or something?" He chuckled.
"She said she was my mom." I blurted,eyes wide and looking at him as his smile immediately dropped.
"She what?"
"She asked me all these questions about my sisters and my age and she said she thinks she's my mother." I showed him the card with the number on it. He looked back at me.
"Well,do you believe her?"
"Call me crazy,but yes."
"You're not crazy."
"But here's the weirdest thing. She looks rich,nice,and ....saved." I said the last part in disbelief.
Jacob laughed a bit. "So what? A person can't change?"
"I'm not saying that it's just I did not imagine her that way. Especially after Kenya told me the way she left us."
Jacob looked back down to the card.
"Invite her to the dinner tonight."
"Are you crazy?"
"Yes. If you really think it's true, invite her. Don't tell anyone though,let it be a surprise."
"My sisters will kill me."
"Go for it. They wouldn't exactly kill you because they'd miss you too much. Plus ,I wouldn't let that happen." He smiled,making me smile.
"You're gonna get me in so much trouble. Okay,I'll do it." I stood up from the bed.
"Oh shit I got ice cream in the car." I gave him a quick hug and "thanks."
He chuckled before hugging back.
"Love ya!" I said,hurrying out to the car. I thought about how the conversation would go when i invite Malina over. Jacob seriously is gonna be the death of me,but I look at him as a best friend,so of course I'll take his advice. I just hope tonight goes well.

I am soooo sorry I didn't know it had been this long since I updated! I will try to get back on schedule :)

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