Chapter 26

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(Picture of Kenya and Amaya to the side)

The next morning,I called Trevor to come over so that he could maybe help us in the situation. Nobody felt like making breakfast,so we all just ate cereal. I had on some camo joggers and an old crop top I'd made out of a t-shirt. I just let my Afro go wild cause I didn't feel like doing anything to it. I felt a pair of arms hug me from behind,and I turned to see Trevor,smiling at me.
"Well hello." I said,giggling. "Hey there gorgeous." He said,and I turned around.
"So what you gotta talk to me about?" He asked.
I looked down. "Well..."
"What's wrong?" He asked,concerned.
"Can I trust you with something? We need all the help we can get but this has to stay a secret."
He eyed me. "Sure."
"Okay. Follow me." We walked back to my room,and sat on the bed. I told him about everything that's happened with us,starting from when we first moved in with the Johnsons. When I was done,he sat there,speechless.
"And you're serious?"
"Yes. And now that Penny's missing,we need a lot of help. We might have to move again,too if it comes down to it."
"Wow. Well,I'd be happy to help. Anything." He said,and I smiled.
"Thank you so much!" I gave him a hug.
"You're welcome." He chuckled. "Okay,so when are we gonna come up with a plan?"
"Well everyone's in the living room by now waiting on us,so I guess now."

He stood up,holding out his hand. "Let's go then." I took it,and we walked into the living room,and everyone was in there,plus Marquan.

"Where's Mr. Johnson?" I ask.
"He left last night on another business trip. And he's not answering anyone's calls." Chres answered,sighing.
We all sat on the couch. Kenya came in with a notebook and sat beside Marquan.
"Okay,so I came up with a pretty good plan. Well it's not the whole thing but it's a starter. So first things first we will have to go back to the mansion. I know two good friends there and I promised that I'd come back to get them out. This is my chance. But first they need to gather as much info from Roberto as they can. We-"

"Who's Roberto?" Peyton asked. "Lewis's nephew. He's over the place."


"Okay. So then we get them out,because they can be some good help to us too. And then we just go from there."

"I think that sounds like a pretty good idea. But only one problem. How the hell are we gonna get not one but TWO more girls out of that place?" Jacob said. Kenya smiled innocently.

"Well,see Jacob that's kind of the problem."
Everyone groaned.
"But Vick and Stacy can be so much help to us guys!" Kenya protested.

"Okay let's say we get these two girls out. But then Roberto and the whole crew will be on our asses and we'll put more lives in danger." Bonita said.

"Yea. Well that's where moving out comes in. You see,with all of us living in one big house,that just makes an easy target for them to get us all trapped. I say we all move out,by couples of course,and spread out all over the city,but not too far from each other. That would make it sort of harder to track us down. Which would put more time on our hands to get Penny out."
Everyone got quiet.
"And my stuff is already packed to move in with Quan,so I suggest we make all of this really quick."

"Yea,Ray and I already bought a house and at first we held off moving in,but I guess we could go ahead and be in by tomorrow." Peyton said.

"I guess we could get a condo." Chres said,and Zendaya looked pissed off. She smacked her lips and folded her arms. He sighed. "What now?"
"We can't move into a nice house? Like this one?"

"Well,Zendaya I don't really think we should be getting mansions,especially since it's only going to be only about two to a house. It'll only attract more attention." I said,and she gave me a side eye.
"Was I asking you?"
"Look her you little-"

"OKAY,so we're gonna do that,and yea." Kenya said,breaking us up. I swear I was so close to slapping the shit out of Zendaya. I heard Trevor chuckle beside me.

"Well diggy and I are still going to hold off the wedding as long as we have to." Bonita said in her cute little accent,smiling. "I'm getting too fat for my dress anyways." She rubbed her stomach,which had a small pudge too.

"Okay. Well that sounds pretty good." Peyton said,standing up.
"I have to take Carlos back to the hospital since Kristina is getting released today,so I'll see you guys later." Peyton said,then walked upstairs to get Carlos ready.

"I'll go help her with that." Ray,who was surprisingly quiet,said.
"Well I've got some shopping to do. Chres can I have some money?" Zendaya said,rubbing her stomach. It was slowly starting to show,because she had a small pudge in her stomach.
"I just gave you 300 last week." Chres said,sounding annoyed.
"Fine. I'll just go to the bank." She said,standing up. She suddenly grabbed her stomach in pain,and Marquan nearly jumped out of his seat,grabbing her arm. Chres stopped her from behind,where she was about to knock down a table.
"Are you okay?" He asked,and she turned around,walking back and sitting by Chres again. He wrapped his arm around her.
"You sure you're good?" Marquan asked,and Zendaya looked at him,then nodded.
Kenya eyed him suspiciously. He sure seemed on edge.
But that's none of my business.


I walked into the hospital,Carlos beside me. He was excited to see his mom again,and I was happy for him. We went up to the room,and Shad pointed to the vending machine in the hall once again. Ray took him to get something while I walked into Kristina's room. She had a cast on her arm,but she was wide awake and dressed,ready to leave the hospital.

"Thank you so much for watching Carlos for me. I've been so mean to you and I don't think I deserved that."

"It's fine. Really. But can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. " she frowned a bit. "What is it?"

"So did you know we had the same last names?" I asked.

"Ohh...uh yea? Why?"

"What's your grandma's name on your father's side?" I asked.

"Alexandra Elana Hathorn. Why?"

"Oh. Okay. I just thought that we were maybe related. I guess it was just a coincidence.

She giggled. "Yea."
"Well do you have someone to help you out?" I asked. She was a single mother,and she was now gonna struggle with Carlos because of her injuries.

"Actually yes,My father's moving up here with his wife so that they can help me out until they get better."

"Well,that's good. It was nice seeing you." I said,and turned to see Shad and Ray walk into the room.

"Can I ask you something now?" Kristina said,looking down a bit.

"Yea sure."

"How's Diggy been?" She asked nervously,and I chuckled a bit.

"He's good. He's engaged,and he has a baby on the way,so."

Kristina's face dropped a bit,but her smile slowly reappeared.

"Well it's nice to know he's doing good. Nice seeing you guys." She smiled,waving with her good hand.

"Shad." I said,kneeling down. "It's time to tell Carlos bye."

"Bye Carlos!" Shad said,running up to him and giving him a hug.

"Bye Sha!" Carlos said back. "I'll see you later."

Shad looked a bit sad,then came over to me.

"Who's gonna be my friend now?" He said when we walked out of the hospital.
"You'll still see Carlos at school. And how about we go to the park today so we can meet new friends?" I asked,grabbing his hand. His face instantly lit up.


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