Chapter 28

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(Picture of Cinco to the side)


I heard a door open right after I'd asked that,and I quickly turned around,only to see a staircase I haven't noticed before,leading up to a door. It was open,which let more light into the room,and someone slowly came down the steps until they were standing right in front of me.
"EJ?!" I was very confused.
"Hello beautiful. Hey Cinco." He said casually. He set down some neatly folded clothes on the bed.
"Wait,why are you-"
"Don't ask questions. Shower,put these on,and Cinco,escort her to my room when she's finished." He simply said. I looked at Cinco,and he glanced at me but didn't say anything. EJ turned around towards the door and walked back out,locking it from the outside. I turned to look at Cinco once again.

"Okay,what the hell just happened?" I watched as Cinco turned towards the tv like nothing had happened.
"Do you work for EJ?!"
"I wouldn't necessarily call it that. We're more like partners. Now,go shower like he said,and don't ask me anything else." He handed me the clothes and I sighed walking over to the shower. I turned the nob and took a quick shower,and I was grateful that Cinco didn't watch me this time. When I was done I dried off and got dressed in the clothes I was given. I put the black headband on my hair and sat on the bed,waiting for Cinco. He finally sighed,standing up and leading me to the staircase, and putting various keys in the door to unlock it. We entered a kitchen,and by what I'd seen so far,this house was huge. He lead me through a hallway that led to a living room,then another hallway that led to various rooms,and we went to the one all the way down to the end. When he opened the door,I spotted EJ sitting near a window,smoking a cigarette to my surprise,and he glanced at me,smirking.
"You look better than I thought you would. Damn." He smiled at me,and I only gave him an annoyed look.
"Can you please give me some type of explanation?"
"First of all,this is how you address me? I don't think so. Second of all,I don't owe you anything,so no. I won't give you an explanation. Now sit your ass in that chair and shut up."
I widened my eyes at his tone,mostly because I'd never heard EJ speak like that,especially to me. I did as I was told in case there were any other dangerous surprises I'd find out about him,and he conversed lowly with Cinco for a little. I tried to make out what they were saying,but I couldn't hear so I decided to examine the room a little more. The laundry basket was full,sitting in the corner by a large walk in closet,and to my left I could see a very nice bathroom,and he had a flat screen tv hanging on the wall,the channel on basketball.

"Okay babe. Here's what we're gonna do. Your poor family must be worried to death about everything that's possibly happening to poor little Penny. Fuck that,I just want my money." Wait,how big is Lewis's family? Damn.
"Well we're gonna send them a video to let them know that everything's fine,but not for long if they don't get to stepping. You do this right,I'll reward you greatly since you haven't given me the worst time while you've been here. You do this wrong and even twitch the wrong way," he pulled a gun from his side,pointing it directly at me," I'll let you guess the rest."

My breathing became shaky,and I became nervous. "Now,I'll hold up whatever you need to say,and you need to say it with a straight face while looking into the camera." Cinco said,holding up a large paper with large writing.

He then picked up a camera,and when the camera made the starting noise,I started reading,trying to make it believable as possible regardless of the gun pointed at me. When I finished,I shook nervously,taking deep breaths. EJ smiled evilly,and I almost threw up right there.
"That was easy. Now for your reward." He took me by the arm and gently led me out of the room. "Where are you taking me?"
"What I tell you bout them damn questions?"
I decided to stay quiet and we entered the living room,only this time we went up a staircase,and I noticed yet another long hallway full of rooms. He took me to the one all the way at the end,and opened the door. There was a large purple bed,a small flat screen tv,and a bathroom in the room,and I was pretty impressed.
"This is where you will be staying from now on. Like I said,I'm not the type to mistreat my "guests" but if you drive me to that point then I will."
I almost smiled,but I stopped myself from doing so,and I stared at him blankly.
He looked at me like he wanted to say something,then he stopped himself. "You are so lucky I got a soft spot for you,girl. Go on in." I walked into the room and looked around. The dressers and closet were full of clothes and they were all my size. He even had my favorite color nail polishes lined up neatly on the bathroom counter. Wow. He really pays attention to details. I'd never told him any of this.
"The walls are soundproof,and the window doesn't open,so don't try anything dumb. I set up cameras everywhere so I'm watching you at all times,and listening. Cinco will bring you meals and I will visit you regularly. Don't make me regret this.
He pulled my hair away from my face and kissed my forehead,and I moved away from him. He looked at me a second,then chuckled,leaving out. I plopped on the bed,sighing. Being that he gave me a whole room with tons of clothes,I could tell I was gonna be here for a while.

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