Chapter 30

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(Vick and Stacy to the side)

*4 months later*

Everything had been going very good for a long time,and Diggy and Bonita finally decided to have a small beautiful wedding,despite Bonita thinking of how fat she was in the dress. Diggy insisted that he didn't want to bring a child in the world without being married to the love of his life. They decided on a beach theme and everyone wore white and it was very simple but beautiful. They went off on their week long honeymoon to the Bahamas,while we all stayed back and did different activities here. We were all close one again since there was no drama. Everyone was finally settled into their homes also,and we spent most of the time at Peyton and Ray's house,since it was the coziest.
"Pizza's here!" Ray shouted,coming back into the living room with boxes of pizza. Shad ran out of his room in his underwear after he heard that,and Peyton chased after him with his clothes in her hand. She didn't catch him until he had a slice in his hand,and he giggled at her as she picked him up and carried him back to his room. We all got some and I took a seat beside Quan,who had about 4 slices already.
"Girl you bout to bust!" Stacy said,looking at Zendaya and chuckling a bit while she patted her stomach. Zendaya eyed her,rolled her eyes a bit,then continued to eat.
"Damn. It was just a joke." Vick said,mugging her.
"She's just in one of her moods." Chres said,wrapping an arm around her. She looked my way,but I noticed she was looking at Marquan,not me. I glanced at him and saw him looking at her too. When he caught me looking at him,he coughed,looking down and taking a big bite of his pizza. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat,not wanting to argue today.
"So we still on for the beach later on? This picnic Finna be lit." Penny said,plopping down in Craig's lap. He pulled her close taking a small bite of her pizza even though he had his own. He was super protective of her ever since she got back,and wanted her close to him at all times. You could tell she was annoyed by it sometimes,but she ignored it to make him happy.
"Yes. Make sure Yall bring whatever Yall supposed to bring cause I don't want to have to beat nobody ass." Ray said,kissing Peyton on her forehead as she entered the room with Shad,who was now dressed and still eating his pizza. He ran over to me and sat in my lap,playing with my necklace.
"Ray you ain't gon beat nobody ass. At least not on my watch." Peyton said,raising her eyebrows at him.
He smirked at her. "And what you gon do to stop me?"
"Okay. Ew." I said,getting up to throw my plate away.
"Don't hate."
"Ain't got nothing to hate on." I said,laughing before I sat back down. I noticed Zendaya was missing from her seat and so was Marquan,but no one else seemed to notice. I stood back up to go looking for Quan,but I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I saw a bedroom door at the end of the hallway shut,and I walked towards it,hearing voices inside.
"I'm feeling okay,Quan. Please stop asking me that."
"I'm just making sure. Your due date is really close and I just-"
"I know. I'm sorry. You're just concerned."
"You know you mean a lot to me,right?"
"This whole situation is fucked up." I heard her sigh,and I frowned. I knocked on the door,and heard an "oh shit" from inside.
Zendaya opened the door,scoffed at me,then brushed past me to go back into the living room. Marquan came after her,stopping like a deer in headlights when he saw my expression.
"I'm guessing you heard-"
"What the fuck was that about,Quan?" I interrupted,way too mad to hear what he had to say.
"N-nothing. She got sick and ran out and I went to check on her that's all."
"Why didn't you let her boyfriend go check on her then? Why does it mean so much to you?"
He paused,as if thinking of what to say,but I held my hand in his face before he even had time to talk.
"I think I'll spend the night over here tonight. I need you to get yourself together." I rolled my eyes,walking away,ignoring his calls behind me. Zendaya was beside Chres again,and I glanced at her,then at him,rubbing her stomach and whispering about something. I sighed and sat on the floor purposefully so that Quan,who was now sluggishly walking in,would not sit by me. I stayed quiet the rest of the time,watching Shad play games on my phone as everyone else talked. Soon everyone started leaving to get ready for the picnic,and Quan leaned down to me.
"You ready?" I said bye to everyone and silently got in the car with him,ignoring his glances.
"So you're just not gonna talk?" He asked,as if he did nothing wrong.
I stared at my phone,scrolling through Twitter. When we pulled up to the house,I went inside and took a shower,getting dressed in my bathing suit and coverup. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and put on hoop earrings and flip flops. Quan was already ready by the time I came out the bathroom and we got into the truck,going into the grocery store. I got out alone and went inside,getting cupcakes. I felt eyes on me,and I turned around just in time to see Roberto slip back into an isle. My heart pounded and I quickly payed for the dessert and walked quickly back to the car.
"You okay?" Marquan asked when I got back in.
"Just drive,please." I said,looking back nervously. How did Roberto get here? Why was he here? Did he see me? Had he been watching me?
We pulled up to the beach and saw everyone setting up for the picnic and I bought the cupcakes over to the blanket,laughing when Shad tried,and failed,to open the container. We just had small finger foods since we already ate pizza earlier.
"Tete I wanna go out there." He said, holding Amaya's shoulders and pointing to the water. She chuckled,picking him up and walking over to it.
"He's so adorable." Penny said,looking at him.
"Why thank you."
"Hopefully my baby will be that cute. Nah,she gonna be cuter." Chres said,kissing Zendaya's stomach. She looked at him with a look I couldn't read,and I shook my head,frowning at her.
"What?" She asked rudely.
"I guess I should be asking you the same thing. As in what were you and Quan doing in that back room earlier?" I busted her out in front of everyone,receiving stares and a sigh from Marquan.
"Kenya please don't do this right now."
"No now is a better time than any other. You acted like you couldn't tell me so I'm asking her." I looked back at Zendaya,and she looked away like she didn't hear me.
"Oh so now you can't hear?" I asked.
"Kenya,calm down before you make her stressed." Chres said,wrapping an arm around her. I eyed him then rolled my eyes,letting it go. It just really bothered me.
"Yea we wouldn't want any problems." Quan agreed,looking at Zendaya.
"Damn,if I didn't know better, I'd think it's your baby." Ray laughed,and Pey widened her eyes,hitting him.
"Ow! What?"
"My water just broke!" Zendaya screamed,gripping her stomach in pain.

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