Chapter ten

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Maya had her window open but the shade down as she played her guitar from Riley. She had her notepad in front of her as she played softy. Lucas pulled the curtain aside.
"Hey." Maya jumped up to her feet, holding the guitar by the neck as Lucas jumped in.
"I didn't have anything to drink. You were fine when I saw you two hours ago." He said, stepping towards her. She stepped back and then he grabbed the guitar from her hands and then put it on top of her bed. When he turned back around, she stepped back a few steps. He stepped towards her and when she tried to move back she hit the wall.
"I didn't drink." He said, grabbing her wrists and breathing out so she could smell his breath. She nodded cowardly.
"It's me Maya, it's Lucas. I'm not dangerous." He let go of her wrists and stepped away. She walked by him and sat on her bed.
"I'm sorry, I should be over this."
"No, no. It's serious and I am still so guilty about it and so so very sorry." He said, sitting down next to her. "I can't look at you and not remember the moment that you told me that I hurt you." She looked up into his eyes. "You're eyes were broken and afraid. Like they are now."
"I'm not broken." She said quiet and defensively.
"I know you don't want me to know about that side of you but right now, I can see through you like a ghost."
"I don't want to be a ghost. I thought I had a wall. A large brick wall that no one could pass and any hole was to small. Anything trying to pass would get caught so easily and no one would ever wonder what was behind it."
"We knew about that wall. I jumped it."
"Ya well, thanks for visiting, no offense, but get out." He looked down at his hands laughing, then looking back up into her eyes. He wrapped his arm around her and leaned in, closing his eyes as their lips connected. She kissed back until she felt his hand move to her waist and then she pulled away.
"I wasn't suggesting that, don't worry."
"Okay." They stared for a while before Lucas leaned back in and they fell to a position where they were laying next to each other and staring at each other again. May felt tired.
"So what now?" Asked Lucas. Maya drifted off to sleep.

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