How You Two Met part 3/4

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Luke: You were walking along the road headed to the park and was walking your dog. You entered the park and started walking at a normal steady pace. You were looking for guys and you decided that a best way to meet a guy would be in the park. You saw a couple guys but they were either taken or didn't meet your standards. You kept walking and a guy caught your eye but you didn't really catch a good glimpse of his face. You decided to rest on a bench. When you were just sitting your dog decided to sprint after something and the leash slipped out of your hands. You got up so fast and ran after your dog. Your dog finally stopped by some boy, the boy looked kind of familiar but you didn't think too much of it. You finally stopped running once you were at your dog and you were out of breath panting for air. The boy was playing with your dog but looked up because he could hear you breathing so hard and asked, "Oh this is your dog, he ran to me and was all alone so I decided to stay here with him." You smiled and said still panting for air " Thanks-so-much-I-don't-know-why-he-ran-off." The boy laughed at you still out of breath and you looked at him and then realized he was the boy that you saw but didn't really catch a good glimpse of. You started to get nervous and said, "Oh... I guess.... my dog and I ....... are going to be going now." He was still playing with your dog and then stood up and said, " Oh ok ...." While you picked up the leash he said " Oh my name is Luke and yours?" "Oh I'm (y/n) nice meeting you" He smiled and said back "Nice meeting you too". You started walking back to the bench and along the path then you heard Luke saying your name and jogging to meet up with you. He said, "Um (y/n) I just wanted to give you my number and would like it if you called sometime soon" You smiled and said "Sure and I'll give you my number so you can call sometime soon" You two exchanged numbers and then walked off. As you were heading out the park entrance and continued down the street you saw a number come up and it said Luke, you smiled and picked up. Day after day you two shared more phone calls.

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