How You Two Met part 4/4

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Michael: You were in your room being lazy. Your mom called you from the next room and said "Honey Im going to the store want to come?" You decided you wanted to stay in your room so you responded, " No I'm going to stay in my room" Your mom was silent but then you heard some footsteps and then saw your mom come in your room, she said" No your not your coming with me to the store. You try to protest but she says, " I'll be back in 5 minutes be ready by then or no computer. She walked out and you ran to your closet and threw on some clothes. Even though you were going to the store you put on light make-up because you realized when you looked the most unattractive then that's when a cute guy walked by. You put your hair in a ponytail, grabbed your phone, and met your mom by the front door. You two walked out and she drove to the store. You were looking for junk food and then you bumped into a guy with galaxy colored hair.(A/N I loved Michael's hair like that so I just decided to put that) You thought to yourself wow he's hot. He looked at you and smiled. You smiled back and continued looking for food. He made his way over to you and said, "The hot guy's name is Michael if you were wondering" He then got closer and whispered in your ear "And your hot too" Your eyes went wide when you realized you hadn't said that in your head and what he just said about you. You blushed and said, "My name is (y/n)" He said, "Ok (y/n) can I get your arm real quick" He then winked and pulled out a pen. You got a bit confused but then realized what was happening and you said, "Sure!" He took your hand and wrote something but was blocking you front seeing with his hand. You were moving you head to see, and Michael looked up and you were mesmerized by his eyes and he said with a wink and a grin,"No peeking" He went back to what he was righting and finished shortly after. You looked at your arm and it read ' The hotties phone number don't forget to call' and right under it had his number and a winky face. You smiled and when he was about to say something your heard your mom calling your name. You quickly said bye and grabbed the food and walked over to your mom. Your mom was waiting with the rest of the groceries ready to pay for them. When you paid for the groceries and got in the car you say the guy Michael again in the parking lot and he winked at you. And you smiled back. Your mom looked at your smiling face and said, " Is there a thank you for bringing you outside in that smile somewhere?" You laughed and thanked your mom. You helped her with the groceries and ran to your room and called Michael. He asked you to and date and on the date he kissed you, that was the first of many kisses you shared with Michael.

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