First Fight (Luke Imagine for Kaela)

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~your pov~

I head home aggravated that I was in yet another magazine accused of cheating on Luke with someone. It bothered me because I would never cheat on Luke, but he decides to let it bug him and he believes the rumors. I open the door to find Luke sitting on the couch with a magazine rolled up in his hand. I mumble," Hey Luke." And he just scoffs. I walk into our bedroom and get ready to change.

Luke barges in and throws the magazine down on the bed," Care to explain why you were with that guy Kaela?" I open my mouth to start talking but he cuts me off," Cause what it looks like to me is that you are with yet another guy this week not even caring to remember that you have a boyfriend, and you looked awfully close with this guy. What did you feel like because you weren't getting anywhere with me lately you could get somewhere with this guy?" I was taken aback and hurt by his accusations. I yelled," Why do you keep choosing to believe the rumors?" He yells back,"Because there is proof right there and you have been outside lately not coming home till late, so I don't know what to believe!" I scoff and reply,"Well if you let me explain then you wouldn't have to believe the rumors!" He looks at me," Then explain!" You look at him with rage," Those guys were my cousins because they were around and the last one that I was awfully close with was talking to me about his girlfriend, and I told him how much I loved you despite what all the rumors might say about me!"

His face softened and he looked so apologetic,"I'm so sorry Kaela I didn't mean to get angry with you, I promise I won't listen to another false rumor." You looked at him and hugged him,"It's ok Luke I forgive you." He looked down at you and smiled," So you love me?" You looked up shyly and smiled," Yea." He chuckled and kissed you," I love you too." You and him walked into the living room to watch a movie and cuddled until you two fell asleep, forgetting to change.

Well I'm sooooo sorry for the longest wait I literally had a project in classes every week, as soon as we finished a project we started another one. And then when I had breaks it's wasn't enough because I had to study for tests. And then with the break I got sick and then in a couple days we start cramming for semester exams. Well enough of my rambling I hope you liked this Kaela. The requests are open and I don't care if I have a test the next day I will make room for writing the imagines or preferences requests. Thank you soooo much for 9.3K reads and 96 votes it's means sooo much to me. Much love Christina.xx

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