Oh My Gosh So Sorry

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Sorry I haven't been on a LOT has happened since I last posted a story and I haven't had the time to write anything, so sorry if you messaged me and I haven't gotten back to you. I won't be able to write anything over the next 2 weeks but after that I will try to write something even if it's slightly short. I've been so busy I didn't even realize I didn't even have the app since I got a new phone. THANK YOU SO MUCH to the people that have fanned me, voted for the story, and added this to their reading list/library it means a lot especially since I haven't updated it. There is someone on tumblr who is a really great writer (they write smut and about Harry styles btw) and their name is harrysandmesohappily they are one of my favorite writers you guys should check her out.

So yeah, again sorry I haven't updated I will try to later on in the month if not in the next 2 weeks then probably a week after that but hopefully pretty soon.

Much love, Christina .xx

Oh and you guys should follow me on my tumblr(s)
Thanks :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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