Michael Misunderstandings, Michael Imagine for Bree.

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~Bree's pov~

You sit on the couch next to Ashton watching tv. Your legs are draped over Ashton's lap. There was a Trojan commercial that came on and it got awkward.

Ashton laughs and says," Well that got awkward pretty fast." You laugh and say," Yep very fast." Ashton looks at you and says,"You have a funny laugh," in between laughs. You pretend to look offended but fail and laugh and lightly smack his arm and say," Hey it's not funny, if anyone's laugh is funny it's your laugh." He responds," I didn't mean it in a bad way it just makes you want to laugh along, and come on my laugh isn't funny, it's a great laugh as everyone says." You rolls your eyes playfully and say," Sure Ashton, whatever you say." "You know I saw that Bree." Ashton tackles you on the floor and is on top of you tickling you making you laugh. Ashton and you are too busy laughing at each other that you didn't hear Michael walk in.

Michael coughs loud enough for you two to hear. Ashton stops tickling you and looks up to see Michael looking at you guys. Ashton coughs and gets up sitting back down on the couch. You get up and sit on the couch a little farther away from Ashton than before. Michael looks at you and storms off. You look at Ashton and mumble," Sorry," before going to look for Michael.

You go to the gaming room knowing Michael would be there. You hear the game through the door and knock. You hear Michael shout,"Who's it!" You respond," It's Bree." Michael is silent and then the volume on the game goes down and Michael opens the door and sits back down, going back to the game. You walk in and sit down looking at Michael wondering what to say. Michael sighs and says," Please explain what I saw." "Michael it was nothin-" "Nothing! If nothing is my best friend on top of my girlfriend, then I don't want see something!" You stay silent for a moment and then continue," Michael it was honestly nothing, he was just tickling me, nothing else, I'm sorry." Michael pauses the game and looks at you,"No I'm sorry I overreacted, It just made me mad that someone else was touching you and not me." You got up and hugged Michael,"It's ok but that won't happen again I promise." Michael smiles and bends down to kiss you.

You look up at him," Can you teach me how to play?" He has the brightest smile on his face and says," Come sit." You sit on his lap as he teaches you the controls. As your playing Michael occasionally kisses you trying to make you mess up. You laugh and say,"Clifford you cheater stop distracting me." He laughs,"I'm not cheating." You continue playing games for the rest of the day.

Welp here you go Bree I hope you like it, I had fun writing it even though I'm a huge Luke girl Michael's adorableness makes me weak in the knees lol. Sorry Chrysanthi I will have your request out soon, it's gonna be longer than I expected and I want you to really like it. So I will be taking a while to finish it.

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