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A blurb about what they would be like at a concert.

Ashton// He would try to match clothes with you like a similar shirt or shoes just to seem cute. Then he would try to get to the venue early to get a good view. When the concert is actually going on he would have one hand subconsciously wrapped around you while listening to the music. Occasionally taking pictures of the two of you in the bands merch to post to Twitter.

Luke// I feel like Luke would wear his usual all black clothes and be worried about what you wear so other guys wouldn't stare at you during the concert. Because he would ask you to change you guys would get there just in time to get a decent view of the stage. While you are enjoying the concert Luke would constantly look at you to make sure you are having a great time. He would make sure he got you a t-shirt for your collection.

Calum// Calum would wear one of his tank tops to show off his tattoos and muscles to others. He would arrive a little ahead of time so you guys are right in the middle of the crowd. He would have you in front of him and have both his arms wrapped around you sneaking kisses here and there not really caring about being that couple at concerts that are constantly making out. He would post a Instagram video of him kissing you on the cheek and the band in the background.

Michael// Michael would just throw on whatever he felt like wearing and waited for you to get ready. He would arrive a bit before the band played so you guys would have good seats, but didn't need to crane your necks to see the band play. During the concert he would jump and dance along to the music and even put you on his shoulders so you could see better. After the concert he would still be pumped and have trouble falling asleep. Then the next day he would mope around claiming he had post concert depression.

I feel like I'll be doing a lot more blurbs because I like reading them and if you want a request and don't really worry about when you'll get your request, then by all means message me for a request. I hoped you like it and comment a blurb or preference idea because "my inspiration has run dry". I feel like Michael's was the longest but oh well. Peace Stay Gucci, Christina.xx

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