He Protects/Stands Up For You

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The idea of this preference was said already in the last one so yea(Cashton)

Requested: yes[x] no[ ]

I was thinking outside the rectangular prism for Calum's


Ashton was in an interview and you were backstage looking at them with the stage crew. The interviewer asked the boys random questions about how the tour was. Then the interviewer started with the relationship questions.

The interviewer asked Ashton,"How is your relationship with y/n?" He smiled and replyed,"Great! We are very happy together." The interviewer had a smirk on her face and retorted,"Wow the first time I heard of a great relationship with a ugly cheating slut."

Your eyes widened and Ashton stood up and said calmly,"Don't you dare talk that way about y/n. She is not a slut and she has never cheated on me. She is the most beautiful person inside and out and you and whoever believe those terrible rumors need a reality check." Ashton walked over to where you were and brought you in front of the interviewer whose face grew pale. Ashton demanded,"Apologize to y/n now." The interviewer looked up at you and apologized. Ashton sat back down with you in his lap with a please look on his face.


You are walking home and it's late at night. There are only 2 street lights on and the path seems a little sketchy. You put your earphones in to make time pass by quicker and turn the volume up high.

When you turn your head to look behind you see tall male figure with a hood on walking hastily towards you. You start walking faster and the mans' speed starts to pick up as well. You start sprinting and the man is also running behind you. You're screaming help and your legs start to give out when you are almost home.

The man finally catches you and pushes you to the ground. Hovering over you he pulls out his knife and states," It's going to be fun killing you, you have some fight in you." You struggle to get free and close your eyes when the man brings the knife in the air. Suddenly you hear a gunshot, a groan, and a body drop. You're in tears and you finally open your eyes to see Calum hovering over you. He looks at you with concern in his eyes and questions,"Are you okay? I heard you screaming for help." You look behind him and the man that was at first on the ground gets up and tries to stab Calum.

You shoot up and look around you breathing hard. You're in the comfort of your own bed and Calum is looking at you with a worried face. You breathe a sigh of relief that it was only a dream. Calum looks at you sympathetically and whispers,"Nightmare?" You nod your head and he brings you into his chest. You listen to the steady sound of his heartbeat until you drift back off to sleep.

The Calum one was a bit different and I kinda like how it was but I don't know. So yeah I updated 😅 and I like writing it's just that I'm really busy with school and homework and stuff. Also the co-owners that I have haven't written anything so nothing was out for a while. I'll try to update as much as possible and I have 2 requested imagines and those are going to be the last until I say that I'd take more personals. For right now I'd only be taking imagine or preference ideas. And yeah so um before I forget I'd like to have questions of the chapters because I'd really like to hear from you guys. And thank you guys sooo much for 51.75k reads it really means a lot!!

So this Question Of The Chapter is: What is your worst nightmare?

My worst nightmare was that knives were being thrown into my window and then the scream mask guy was telling me I only had 2 minutes to live. I had watched Scream that day.

So yeah, Stay Gucci, Christina.xx

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