Bus Cuddling - Luke imagine for Megan

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~Megan's pov~

The boys were currently touring with 1D so after shows they would get on the tour bus to travel to the next show they have to play. You sit in the beginning of the bus watching them goof around occasionally giggling. Luke gets up and grabs your hand taking you to the back if the bus. While you were heading back Michael shouted "Hey don't plan on doing anything I wouldn't kids!" You laugh and Luke blushes. He gets some blankets and puts in a movie. You stand there and look at him a bit confused. He says, "Come I wanted to cuddle with you." You smile and walk over to him and cuddle with him. He moves your dark brown hair out if your face, and looks into your light blue eyes. He kisses your lips and in the middle of the passionate kiss Calum, Ashton, and Michael burst in and are making a keek. Ashton says," Told you they weren't just watching the movie if your picking up what Im putting down." Luke throws a pillow at Ashton and yells, " Leave!" Calum jumps on Luke and says, "What about what we had, what about Cake?" Luke responds, " I'm sorry Calum but Megan is a girl an amazing girl too." You smile and Calum pouts and gets up. Luke pleads," Now can you guys leave please?!" Michael sits down and gets comfortable and says,"Nope." The rest of the boys sit down and get comfortable. Luke kisses you, and the other boys see and get up disgusted. You both smile at each other and you ask Luke," Do you really think I'm amazing?" He smiles and responds," Of course babe and your gorgeous too." You two kiss, and continue cuddling, enjoying the rest of the movie.

There you go Megan hope you liked I worked hard on this making sure it was what you wanted :) Requests are still open

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