Favorite Thing To Do During Different Seasons

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❄️Winter: You two love to go ice skating even though you aren't that good at it. You two always get into a laughing fit if you fall on your butt.

☀️Summer: He loves to go to the local ice cream shop and walk around town holding hands. If you guys are interrupted by too many fans you both head home to cool off.

🌸Spring: You two love going to see the cherry blossom festival in DC. You both love the flowers that grow and think they are so pretty.

🍂Fall: Calum loves to go site seeing if you guys are ever in New York. He loves the cool air and the bright lights at night to go free running with you through the streets and casually taking goofy pictures with random things.

Well I am kinda back but I am still in school I just had some time to write this hoped you liked this short preference. If I still haven't gotten to your request please be patient because I will post it later on sorry. Much love, Christina .xx "Don't Do the Weeds 🌿"

Id like to look for a co owner who could help me with requests and preferences. If you are interested you could message me.

And Thank you for over 20K reads it means a lot that you guys read this and add it to your libraries.

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