How You Two Started Dating

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This one is only for Michael if you think I should do one for the other boys then comment. It's based off something serious so if you don't like reading these then hopefully I'll have another soon. Requested: yes[ ] no[x]

Michael// You had depression and struggled with it for years. Around others you were what others might seem as happy but when you were by yourself you felt empty and hopeless. You were hanging around the boys and you were feeling really down, but you tried to mask it to the best of your ability. You were staring into space when Michael called your name causing you to snap out of your trance. He asked if you were okay and you mustered a fake smile saying yea. He didn't look convinced but said okay. You fake yawned and said you were going home because you felt tired. The boys said bye and you left.
You went home and took a shower and went into your living room to watch tv. You heard a knock on your door and opened the door seeing Michael. He came inside and sat on your couch. You looked at him with confusion and sat down. He opened his mouth and started speaking. He said how he noticed you acting strange all week and asked if you were truly fine and to not lie. You felt caught and your lip trembled letting out a no and your voice cracked. Michael instantly grabbed you bringing you into his chest asking you what's wrong. You told him everything and he had a sad look on his face. He said how you should of told him how you were feeling so he could help you. You looked into his eyes and he took a deep breath. He told you that he had liked you for a while and if you would let him he would fix you. You had liked Michael too so you agreed to date him but you were a but skeptical about him fixing you because you felt like you were a lost cause.
A few weeks passed by and to your disbelief you felt like there was at least little hope left. He made you feel loved and that you deserved to be loved.

I wrote this because I read a book a while ago about a person that struggled with depression and it made me remember that even some one you reading this could possibly feeling depressed and if you need anyone to talk to I'm here you could message me and I'll give you my phone number. Hope you liked it and comment suggestions for blurbs or prefs. If you guys want another with how you started dating with the other boys I'll make one and it would be happier I guess. Much love, Christina.xx

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