WYMM?( Michael imagine for Emma)

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~your pov~

I wake up smelling pancakes and bacon being made downstairs and smile. I brush my bed head and my teeth and head downstairs. I see my wonderful boyfriend Michael cooking breakfast and wrap my hands around his waist. He looks down at me and smiles,"Good morning beautiful." I smile back at him," Morning handsome." He backs away from the stove to look at me properly and kisses my forehead," The breakfast is almost done wake the girls." I reply a quick,"Alright!" and head up to wake up the triplets.

I open their door and I see they're still asleep. I shake them gently," Aurora, Avalon, and Athena wake up breakfast is ready." They hop up and rush to the bathroom. I head back downstairs to see Michael setting the table. He usually isn't this sweet unless it's our anniversary. I quickly glance at the calendar and see it actually is, and run and hug him," Happy anniversary babe." He smiles back at me," Happy anniversary to you too babe." Our daughters rush downstairs mumbling,"Oh I'm starving, what's for breakfast?" They sit down and eat. Michael mumbles in my ear," I have a very special present for you tonight." I reply," I can't wait to find out."

I rush to store really quick to pick up the guitar I was planning on giving Michael and head home. When I get back it's dark in the house. I flick on the switch and find a sticky note reading.' Hey babe I'm going to put you on a little scavenger hunt. Where do you love to be?' I rush to the little library that Michael made me and find a book next to a candle. I pick up the book and flip it over to see a sticky note.' So you found it. Next question where did you tell me the best news in the world?' Thinking that he is talking about when I told him I was pregnant. I walk into our bathroom upstairs and find another sticky note.' Yay you found it babe. Where do our beautiful children love to be?' I ran into the garden outside and saw that there was flower missing with a sticky note in its place.'Ok so I guess you must be getting tired of these sticky notes so last one. Where do I love to be?' I know for a fact it's in the living room on his game so I walk back into the house. I see the missing flower on top of his gaming system with a sticky note attached to it.' You know me so well. I just want you to know that I love you so much Emma, so turn around.'

I turn around and see my daughters holding up little signs. Avalon holds up a sign that reads 'Will', Aurora holds up a sign that reads 'You' and Athena holds up a sign that reads 'Marry' and Michael stands next to them with a sign that says 'Me' with a sticky note of a question mark on top of a little black box. He gets down on one knee and opens up the box, and I see the most beautiful ring. I run and hug Michael saying," Yes I would love to marry you!" He slides the ring on my finger and kisses me. Our daughters jump and cheer. We sit on the couch watching a movie and Michael and I occasionally stealing kisses and say,"I love you." Best anniversary ever.

I'm super sorry for the long wait Emma I hope you liked it. I was extremely busy and I finally got time to write this. Much love Christina.xx

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