He Protects/Stands Up For You

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A preference for when he protects or stands up for you(Muke)

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Luke// You have been getting a lot of hate on twitter and you just brushed it off your shoulders because you knew people were just sitting behind a computer saying rude things because they felt insecure. You were outside with Luke and the boys at one of their surprise acoustic shows. You were just sitting in the back of the crowd listening to the music with the other fans beside you.

When it was over you went up to Luke to tell him how well it went and you overheard some girl say,"Is THAT really Luke's girlfriend he could've done WAY better." You just kept quiet and stood next to Luke.

However Luke heard,walking up to the girl and dragging you along he said,"Excuse you my girlfriend is the most gorgeous person to me, and if you don't see that there is no need to say rude and disrespectful lies." He left right after that and wrapped his arm around your shoulder kissing your cheek.

Michael// You were at a club along with your boyfriend Michael and the guys celebrating their album release. You told Michael you had to use the bathroom real quick, so you left the booth they were sitting at.

You were heading back to where everyone was, when suddenly someone stops you and grabs your waist. The stranger looks drunk beyond belief and is breathing down your neck. You struggle out of the mans grip and before you know it you are out of his grip and into Michael's.

The guy is drunkenly staring at you and Michael steps in front of you and barks,"Stay away from my girlfriend or I swear I'll beat the living day lights out of you, got it?" The guy gulps nodding and walks away. You look at Michael and kiss him on the cheek taking him back to the booth.

I don't like writing long ones (yes that is long to me my attention span is short and I had to spend so much attention to those paragraphs) Luke's is longer on accident sorry but I'm going to publish the Cashton one soon. I am going to try and update this book as much. So um yeah hope you liked this and requests for preference ideas are always open if I reply to you then you'll know I saw it.

Comment what your favorite food is I think mine is general tso chicken or sweet corn.

And oh my gosh thank you guys SOOO much for 50.12K reads like wow people actually read my imagines and preferences.

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