Park Promises

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Luke imagine for Tara (@thatAreskid)

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~Tara's p.o.v~

You sit at home in your sweatpants flicking through channels not really settling on one show. Suddenly, you get a text from your best friend Luke telling you to meet him at the park in 15 minutes. You rush to get ready and put on your scarf around your neck since it was the middle of autumn and it was fairly chilly outside. Checking your phone for the time, you head to the park down the street.

After waiting for a couple minutes on a bench occasionally glancing at the time, you see Luke jogging over to you. He smiles at you saying,"Hey you're here before me!" You stick your tongue out at him responding,"Whatever. Why did you want me to come to the park?" Luke took a deep breath and sat down next to you on the bench. He mumbled to himself and breathed out,"I'm going to ask you something but can you promise me you will consider it?" You skeptically look him and answer,"I promise."

Luke looks at the ground and starts,"I know it may seem strange, but I really like you and I know you may not feel the same but I just wanted to tell you. And also would you be my girlfriend?" He looked up to see your reaction to his confession. Your facial reaction was very unreadable so Luke automatically regretted saying anything. He slumped his shoulders and got up from the park bench to leave. You grabbed his wrist yelling,"Luke wait!" He looked at you with a confused look and sighed,"What?" You bit your lip replying,"I promised that I would consider it and that's what I was doing. You didn't give me enough time." Luke's face brightened a bit and he murmured,"Soo..." You looked at him shyly responding,"Yes. I will be your girlfriend."

Luke instantly hugged you spinning you around in circles. The look on his face was pure excitement and joy. He exclaimed,"Okay race me to the swing set in 1.2.3 Go!" Your brain took a bit to process all he said, so by the time you started he already had a huge lead and beat you to the swing set across the park. You two sat on the swing sets having contests on who could swing the highest. And jumped in huge piles of raked leaves messing them up on people's lawns.

When you both started to get cold you went back to your house and snuggled on the couch. You rested your head on Luke's shoulder saying,"Really glad I kept my promise." He looked at you smiling and added,"Really glad I made you promise."

Hoped you like it Tara and all of the readers. Sorry but this is going to be the last personal imagine until further notice. I will still be taking requests for preference or imagine IDEAS. And I think that's all for the PSA have a good time of the day wherever you are.

Question Of The Chapter: What is your favorite holiday/season and why?

My favorite holiday/season is Halloween/Fall because I like the cold weather but it's not that cold that you need to wear heavy coats. And I like Halloween because free candy and also creativity in some people's costumes.

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