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A blurb like style of how the guys would react if you and him were walked in on during the frick frack to the nickelback.
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Luke would be very embarrassed and have the reddest face while trying to cover you both up. If Liz was the one to walk in on you both, he would die of embarrassment and probably never want to leave the room because he knows he would be in so much trouble. However if it was the guys, he would be a little hesitant of coming out of the room and constantly apologize to you for what happened.

Michael would be very chill about it, but still try to quickly cover you up. If the guys walked in on you guys, he would just say "oops" and shrug his shoulders because it wasn't entirely his fault. I feel like he would walk out of the room with his head held so high and not be embarrassed about it. But he would get annoyed at the guys if they brought it up and embarrassed you.

Ashton probably would be more worried about who walked in on you and him than the actual act of being walked in on. If it was Luke who walked into the room he would just yell at him to leave. But if it was Lauren or Harry, he would shout "Oh my god I'm so sorry." And he would quickly get dressed and make sure they didn't see too much and also beg them not to tell.

If feel like Calum would be used to being walked in on with you so he wouldn't really make a big deal out of it. But if it was the first time he would frantically make sure that you were covered completely first and then tell whoever walked in to leave. If the guys walked in on you both, he would probably be chill too like Michael. Then when the guys left the room he would just continue where you guys left off, because there is no reason to hide what you both were doing anymore.

So I updated!! Thank you sooo much for 56.09K reads!!! It really means a lot and I think now I'm going to start writing a little bit more smutty stuff because I see that you guys like that.

Question Of The Chapter:
What were you for Halloween?

I didn't really do anything, but if someone asked I would tell them I was a hand model. I was a bit creative and lazy.

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