Ch 1 The Entrance Exam

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A man in a suit of armor was walking down the street and many people were giving questionable looks. But seeing that his face plate was down nobody could see his face. He was walking toward the Kaiba dome and he remembered seeing dueling events happening there. But this time he was the one who got to duel.The duel spirit named Yubel was with him and she said "Jaden are you ready to take the first step to becoming the greatest duelist ever?" Jaden said in a cold voice "I am always ready to duel, so lets get our game on."

Jaden got to the registration table and the woman at the table said "I am sorry sir but I am going to need you to remove your face plate to get a positive identification." Jaden removed his mask.The woman was shocked at what she saw but then scanned his face for an identification. The woman said "I see welcome Mr. Jaden Yuki. I see that you have already paid for the Obelisk blue dorm but I am afraid you still need to take the duel test. "

Jaden said in a very dark and cold voice "very well." Jaden then shut his face plate and entered the Kaiba dome. Many people were dueling and Jaden saw a boy use Ring of Destruction but he didn't care to much about it. Then he heard a voice that he turned to see. A gang of boys were talking about the kid that had just won.

One boy said "that kid is good isn't he Chazz?" Chazz said "we went to duel prep school so we are ready for the academy." One of the boys turned in Jaden's direction and said "wow, look guys, looks like someone is ready for a costume party."

Many of the boys laughed at this and then Jaden walked up to them and said with a cold icy voice "you got something to say." Chazz said "beat it kid this place is for champions and you don't fit the bill."

Then an announcement said "will Jaden Yuki please report to the duel arena at once." Jaden then turned and said to Chazz "I will deal with you at the academy."

Jaden walked down to the arena and prepared his deck. His opponent was Dr. Crowler. Crowler said "welcome Jaden Yuki to your final test. I am Crowler a member of the duel academy board" Jaden said "I don't care as long as you can duel."

Crowler looked at the boy with intrigue and thought 'this boy is so cold to me but with a perfect score that he had on the exam he is a shoe in for obelisk blue.'

Crowler said "let us duel." Jaden said "get your game on." Jaden then said "teachers before students." Crowler said "thank you, at least you have some manners. I place two face downs then activate Heavy Storm." The two cards that were on the field were destroyed but replaced with tokens.

Jaden said "you placed two Statue of the Wicked on the field didn't you, which only means one thing you have a level eight or seven monster in you hand." Crowler was astonished that he figured out what he was doing so fast.

Crowler said "yes, you are correct I do have a level eight monster and now I sacrifice my two tokens to summon Ancient Gear Golem. With that I will end my turn."

Jaden looked at the monster with disgust. Jaden said "my move, I draw." Jaden smiled to himself and said "I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy and I sacrifice my monster so summon Evil Hero Malicious Edge." Crowler said "wait how can you summon a level 7 monster with one sacrifice?"

Jaden was annoyed and said "my Edges special ability if you have a monster on the field all I need in one sacrifice. Next I play the spell card Dark Fusion to fuse my Elemental Heroes Clayman and Sparkman to summon Evil Hero Lightning Golem"

Crowler was confused how he summoned the Golem. He said "How can you summon a bad hero with two good heroes." Jaden said angrily "Dark Fusion is like Polymerization but the monster that is created is a fiend."

On the balcony a dirty blonde girl said to a boy that was next to her "He doesn't stand a chance does he Zane." Zane said "I don't know Alexis there maybe more to this evil heroes than meets the eyes why else would this kid play it."Alexis said "you could be right but I still don't think that he stands a chance." Jaden heard this and turned to look at them and Alexis was startled by this but seeing that his face plate was down she couldn't see if he was looking at her or someone else.

Jaden looked at the girl and thought 'that girl seems familiar to me have I seen her before.' Jaden then turned to end the duel. Jaden said "I activate my monsters effect, now I can destroy one monster on the field and I choose that scrap pile of a monster."

Crowler said "NO, my Golem." Jaden said "I now attack you directly with Evil Hero Lightning Golem." The Evil Hero attacked and then Jaden said "Evil Hero Malicious Edge attack with needle burst." With that the duel was over and Jaden said "and that's game"

Crowler thought 'this boy will be great at the academy with such a great strategy, but I can't believe that he beat me in one turn I need to teach this boy not to upstage me.' Jaden looked up at the girl and boy and thought to himself 'that girl looks familiar to me so I will investigate her see if she is from my past.'

With that Jaden got on the plane that was taking them to the Duel Academy island and Alexis' friends were talking about what Jaden looked underneath his armor. Jaden was annoyed and said with a cold tone "could you stop talking about me, it is really annoying." The two girls squealed with excitement.

Alexis decided to introduce herself to the armored boy. Alexis said as he sat next to him "hi my name is Alexis and I saw your duel and you are very talented and what is your name?" Jaden said with an annoyed tone "Jaden Yuki and you look familiar have we ever met before?" Then suddenly the plane hit some tubultance and Jaden showed a sign that he was in pain.

Alexis saw this and asked "what is the matter Jaden are you ok?" Jaden said "no, my wound that almost killed me is acting up and I need to put pressure on the wound now." Jaden put pressure on the area that he was shot at. Alexis asked "what happened to you?" Jaden said "I was shot at point plank range and that was the worst day of my life."

Alexis felt bad for Jaden and then she remembered that a boy was almost killed in Domino City many years ago. Alexis said "are you the boy that was shot in Domino City awhile ago?" Jaden nodded his head and then they landed and Jaden remembered something from his past he remembered meting a girl that looked just like Alexis when he was little.

Then it hit him he had met her before the accident that caused him to lose everything. He was good friends with her till the accident but they never gave each others name.

They met at a party thrown by Jaden's parents and he saw what was a beautiful girl at the time he walked up to her. He said "hi welcome to the party I can only hope you enjoy yourself." The girl smiled and said "thanks, would you like to dance with me?" Jaden said "sure." They danced and had a wonderful time and they both left the party to get some alone time. Jaden said "I like you I can hope that we see each other again soon." The girl said "I would like that and promise me one thing." Jaden said "what is it." The girl said "I want you to kiss me the next time we see each other ok." Jaden was shocked by this request but said "ok." With that the went back to the party.

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