Ch 7 Choices of the Supreme King

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Jaden said "I'm sorry I had something stupid in my ears what did you say again Alexis?" Alexis said again "Jaden I am pregnant." Jaden was shocked and his mind he was going into hyper drive. He thought that he having to take care of a kid would be the end of his ride to become the next king of games. But then he realized that he could become the father that he never got to have before he met the Kaibas. Alexis was waiting for an answer but then began to lose hope because he didn't answer her after what he has said.

Alexis lowered her head and was about to cry when Jaden saw this. Jaden had to act fast and said "Alexis I am sorry for not answering sooner it is just so overwhelming that I am going to be a dad." Alexis smiled and said "what are we going to do Jaden I mean I don't want an abortion because I want to keep the baby. So what are we going to do?" Jaden said "I will make a quick call and tell my father Kaiba because he can get us out of anything." So Jaden made the call

Kaiba said "Jaden what is going on you know it is the middle of the night you know that right." Jaden said "I have important new to tell you. It turns out you will be a grandfather sooner than you expect." Kaiba said "so you got your sweetheart pregnant. I am fine with that I will let the school know and you both will not be expelled for doing it on school grounds." Jaden said "I rescued her from Titan that duelist that rapes pretty girls." Kaiba said "oh. Ok that clears that up so what are you going to do?"

Jaden said "I am going to be there for the child and focus on getting into the pro league and make money to provide for the child." Kaiba said "I want the girl to have a sonogram and I want you to send me the pictures so that I can see for myself that I am going to be a grandfather." Jaden said "ok, but were are we going to get it does the nurse have one or something?" Kaiba said "yes, I had one there for reasons for maybe staff for their child to be seen but now it is your turn to be a father."

Jaden and Kaiba ended the phone call and he told Alexis that they both were going to be ok. Then they walked to the school nurse and they talked to Miss. Fontaine and told her that Alexis was pregnant and that they wanted a sonogram to see the baby. Miss Fontaine was shocked at first but then got a call from Sheppard notifying that everything was ok. Miss Fontaine took them to another room isolated from the rest of the nurses office. She got the Sonogram ready and they did the test to see the baby.

Alexis and Jaden looked at the monitor and they saw that there was not one but two babies growing in Alexis' womb. Jaden saw this and then his mind went into overdrive and then he passed out. Alexis was shocked to see this from the man that was a cruel man and now seeing him act like a total teddy bear was shocking but cute because he actually cared about the wellbeing of the child or in this case the children. Then both Alexis and Miss Fontaine laughed at this but then they decided to leave Jaden were he was.

Alexis decided to get pictures of the babies and she decided to send it to her parents. Miss Fontaine gave Alexis four copies of the baby pictures. Alexis then got up and then placed two of the pictures on Jaden and left and they left him to sleep. The next day Jaden got up from being passed out. He saw the pictures he then smiled because he was having a kids. He wanted to be the one that would be super dad and be the best duelist. Jaden went to class and then the news of Alexis being pregnant spread like wildfire.

When Jaden walked into the school and boys were saying that they were the ones that knocked Alexis up but Jaden knew that he was the father. Alexis ran into Jaden and they smiled at each other. Then Jaden could feel the amount of hate that the boys had seeing that he was the one that knocked up the hottest girl in the school. Then a boy walked up to Jaden and said "I challenge you to a duel and if I win then Alexis will dump you for me and had a abortion so she can have my baby."

Jaden then said "you think that a duel would decide whether or not Alexis has an abortion. I will never let my two children be killed because you want her to bear your child. She chose me so deal with it unless you want to be labeled as a murder of the two children that were never born." The boy was now having all the girls stair at him because of what he said. The boy then said "fine I will back off but what about a duel you should still duel me or you scared of me." Jaden said "I never back down from a duel and I will defeat you and prove that I am the best here.

Jaden said "I will let you go first but first what is your name?" The boy said "Billy and I will prove that you are no match for me. My turn, I draw. I summon Panther Warrior in attack mode (2000atk). With that I will end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Dark Fusion to fuse Elemental Hero Clayman and  Elemental Hero Sparkman to form my Evil Hero Lightning Golem in attack mode (2400atk). Now I summon my Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in attack mode (1600atk). Now I use my Infernal Gainer ability to send him two turns ahead. Now my Lightning Golem can attack you twice. Now I use my Lightning Golem ability and now I can destroy a monster on the field and so say goodbye to Panther Warrior. Now Lightning Golem attack him twice."

The duel was over and now Jaden walked up to Alexis and kissed her. Jaden said to Billy, "you don't tell me what my girlfriend should and shouldn't do. She can make her own choice and she wants to keep the babies so let her be. If I see you bothering her again I will deal with you personally." Billy had a drop of sweat drop from his face and he ran away and both Alexis and Jaden looked into each others eyes and they both had nothing but love in each others eyes.


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