Ch 27 Tournament

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The next couple of days went by and Jaden and Alexis were having their time of their lives taking the kids out to see Domino City. Then Jaden and Alexis decided to take a break from taking the kids out for they had seen more then they should have. Then Jaden got a call on his phone and he picked it up. He said "Hello?" Kaiba said "Jaden I have a little idea for you I have entered you into a tournament and the winner gets a sweet prize would you do me the pleasure of being my representative for me?"

Jaden agreed and now he had to give his kids some fun by watching him duel. The tournament was today and it was at the Kaiba dome. Jaden, Alexis and the kids entered the dome for free due to Jaden being a competitor and seeing that his father built the place. Alexis got box seats with Kaiba and Mokuba. Mokuba looked at his two niece and nephew and he thought that they looked so god dam adorable. Alexis said "thanks for letting us come to your box seats Kaiba." Kaiba said "no big deal I have a soft heart for my grandchildren and how is Jaden treating you?" Alexis smiled and said "he treats me like a gift from god himself."

Kaiba laughed at this and said "I knew when he told me about you that he was in love. I am going to tell you a little secret about Jaden when he was young and I took care of him. He had girls threw themselves at him because he was related to me. But he loves you because for a different reason and that is that you showed him to love dueling and not just use it to become say a fiancée."

Alexis blushed at what Kaiba said and then she remembered the duel between Harrington and Jaden. Kaiba said "I know about that duel and I can only hope that one day he will take your hand for I would be happy to see that my child or adopted child get to experience true love." Alexis' heart melted at the thought of being Jaden's wife. The tournament began and they watched closely to Jaden and no one else because they wanted to be surprised on who Jaden would face in the finals. Jaden then continued to win and win and everyone in the stands were astonished by how quick his duels were going.

The semi finals happened and Jaden had to duel Weevil in the semis but Jaden used Ravial, Lord of Phantasm to finish him off. Many people in the stands were going crazy for Jaden for they had never seen a monster that strong since Yugi used it in the battle city tournament. The finals were going to begin but Kaiba said to the crowd "are we all enjoying this tournament that we are all watching. The crowd went nuts and they wanted to see more but then Jaden got to the middle of the arena and waited for his opponent. His opponent was non other then Joey Wheeler.

Both Jaden and Joey shuffled each others deck and both shook hands and then got a distance away and then they said "duel." Joey said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse Time Wizard with Baby Dragon to form Thousand Dragon in attack mode (2400atk) Next I summon Geirfried the Iron Knight in attack mode (1800atk). I end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy in attack mode (300atk). Now I will sacrifice him to summon out Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk). Now I get to draw one card due to the effect of my Prodigy."

Joey said "hold the phone, how can you summon out a level seven monster with one sacrifice?" Jaden smiled at this and said "my Edge has an ability that if you have a monster on the field all I need is one sacrifice. Now I will equip my Edge with Vicious Claw to give him a three hundred point boost. Now Malicious Edge attack his Iron Knight." Joey said "I play my face down Fairy Box and now I flip a coin and if I call it right your monsters attack is zero and I am going to call heads."

He flipped the coin and it landed on heads. Joey said "say goodbye to your Edge." An explosion happened and Jaden lost 1800 life points but Joey was shocked when we saw Malicious Edge still on the field. Jaden said "due to the effect of Vicious Claw by having it return to my hand I get to save my Edge. Now a few things happen now. Your Dragon is destroyed and you take 600 points of damage. Next an evil token is summoned to your field in attack mode (2500atk). I end my turn with two face downs."

Joey said "my turn, I draw. I summon Red Eyes Black Chick in attack mode (800atk). Now I use his effect by sending him to the grave I get to summon Red Eyes Black Dragon in attack mode (2400atk). Now I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. I now sacrifice my Red Eyes to summon out Red Eyes Darkness Dragon in attack mode (2400atk). He also gains 300 attack points for each dragon in my grave so I count 3 so he gains 900 attack points more than enough to take you down." Jaden smiled at this then Joey attack with his dragon.

Jaden said "I play my trap Negate Attack so your attack is stopped." Joey said "well I will end my turn. let me see what Kaibas son has to offer." Jaden said "you got it. My turn, I draw. I play Dark Fusion to fuse Elemental Heroes Sparkman and Clayman to form my Evil Hero Lightning Golem in attack mode (2400atk) Now  I use his effect to destroy your dragon. Next I play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Fairy Box. Now Malicious Edge destroy his token. Golem destroy his Iron Knight I end my turn with a face down."

Joey said "my turn, I draw. I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Darkness Dragon in attack mode and he get the 900 point boost. Now destroy this Golem. I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play my face down DNA Surgery to turn all monsters on the field into Fiends. Now I play Super Polymerization to fuse Malicious Edge and your fiend of a dragon to form Evil Hero Malicious Fiend in attack mode (3500atk). Now attack him directly."

The duel was over and the crowd when crazy at how the duel ended. Joey congratulated Jaden and said that he had the talent to challenge Yugi. Then someone came to congratulate Jaden and it was none other than Pegasus the creator of duel monsters. Pegasus said to the crowd "I am glad to announce that Jaden Yuki is our winner and his prize is that I am going to sponsor him when he gets into the pro league that is if you will allow me?

Jaden said "I accept but I am at duel academy for the moment so until I graduate I will keep my plans to be the king on hold till I graduate." Pegasus understood but then he said "I will be glad to give you and from what I have heard your girlfriend cards that I will make just for you and her." Jaden said "if that is what you wish to do then I am glad that you are my sponsor." Then Alexis and the kids came down from the box seats and Jaden scooped up both of his kids and gave them the hug of his life. Everyone in the crown went ah. Jaden, Alexis, Shadow, and Emerald went home but not before Pegasus saying that he would be in touch with them about new cards. Summer was almost over but Jaden had one more idea before they went back to school.

Hi guys it is me Keyblade11 asking you if you guys wanted to see anther lemon in this series leave a comment if you want that and if not I will take your comment to heart and think about it but I would love to hear what you all have to say ok. :)

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