Ch 10 Names

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Two months go by and nothing happens but the news that Chazz had left the school was on most peoples minds. Jaden and Alexis were happy to move into their new home that Kaiba had built for them both. They had flat screen TV's in every room so they could enjoy anything they so desired. Jaden then was about to ask something when Alexis felt something move in her womb. Jaden then pressed his head against her belly and he felt one of the two kick at where he was. Jaden said "it moved our babies are growing. Which reminds me, I think it is time that we check to see the sex of the babies if you are ok with that? Then we can prepare the names for the children so we don't do it as they are born."

Alexis smiled and said "ok but before we name them, I want to know what is your feeling of having more children after this?" Jaden was surprised by the question but then he said "I would love to have more children with you but lets give it a year to adjust to being parents so lets just relax first then we can focus on having more kids." Alexis smiled at the choice Jaden had made then they kissed. Jaden and Alexis went to the nurse to find out what the sex of their two children were. Miss Fontaine said "well I can see that they are both growing healthy so just keep up the work Alexis. Now let me see what the sex of the two children are."

Jaden held Alexis' hand and they both shared a loving look in each others eyes. Miss Fontaine said "Jaden I heard that there is going to be a duel that decides who duels in the school duel against North Academy. They are bringing a freshmen so Zane can't participate I was told to find two duelist of the freshmen class to recommend. I was wondering if you would like to be recommended?" Jaden said "it would honor me to be apart of this." Miss Fontaine said "well now that that is taken care of I know what the sex of the two children are. You are going to have one boy and one girl."

Jaden and Alexis were thrilled as they left the building and went back home they watched some TV but then when they decided to talk it was going to be the toughest challenge ever. Jaden said "I have thought of a couple of names for the boy want to hear them." Alexis said "sure and I have come up with some names for the girl." Jaden said "I like the names George, Nick, Billy, Shadow, and Jaden jr." Alexis said "I like the names Alaynna, Eliza, Lexie, Sophia, and Emerald."

Jadne said "I like the name Emerald for the girl." Alexis said "I like the name Shadow for the boy." They looked each other in the eyes and they knew that at that point they had figured out which names they were going to give the babies. Then Jaden's PDA went off and it said Jaden you will be dueling Bastion from the Ra dorm to see who will represent us in the school duel. Jaden showed it to Alexis and they both were ready for parent hood and the duel tomorrow.

The next day went by fast and the duel was about to begin Jaden said "let the best duelist win. I will go first, my draw. I play Dark Fusion to fuse Elemental Hero Sparkman and Clayman to form my Evil Hero Lightning Golem in attack mode (2400atk). Now I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in attack mode (1600atk) and I end my turn." Bastion said "my turn, I draw. I play Hydrogeddon in attack mode (1600atk). Now I play two cards face down and end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Now I sacrifice my Gainer to summon Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk). Now I use Lightning Golem's effect to destroy your monster. Now Malicious Edge attack him directly." Bastion said "I play my face down Negate Attack now your battle faze is done." Jaden ended his turn. Bastion said "my turn, I draw. I play another Hydrogeddon in attack mode (1600atk). Now I play the spell double summon to summon my Oxygeddon in attack mode (1800atk). Now I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Hydrogeddon in attack mode. Now I play H2O Bonding to summon my mighty Water Dragon in attack mode (2800atk). Now attack his Evil Golem."

Jaden took 400 points of damage and Bastion ended his turn. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Dark Fusion to fuse my Malicious Edge and Summoned Skull to form Evil Hero Malicious Fiend in attack mode (3500atk). Now I summon another Infernal Gainer in attack mode but now I remove him from play so that Malicious Fiend can attack twice this turn. Now Malicious Fiend Destroy that Water Dragon. Now attack Bastion's life points directly.

The duel was over and Jaden had won and now he was to represent the school in the school duel that would take place about one week from now. Jaden smiled and walked over to the mother of his soon to be children and gave her a kiss. They both walked away talking about Chazz leaving. Jaden said "well he was very mean and looked down upon all of us and he was a spoiled brat." Alexis agreed with that because Chazz always thought that he could get his way just because his last name was Princeton. 

Jaden looked at Alexis and said "for the first time in my life I have found something more important than power in my life." Alexis asked "was is that?" Jaden said "you, Shadow, and Emerald. You all will be the driving force for me to become the next king of games not just because I want the title but because I can now become a king and a father." Alexis rubbed her belly and smiled that Jaden was the same caring person that he was but he had to become stronger if me wanted to be the next king of games. Alexis and Jaden walked back to their house and they both slept peacefully not knowing that a dark force was coming to the island to take something that only the supreme king could control.

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