Ch 17 Alexis' shinning moment

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Jaden got up and was ready to look at Alexis when she was already gone. He knew where she was. She was at Atticus' room and he respected that. He went to the nurses office and saw Alexis breaking down and he knew that Alexis was a strong person but to see her break down it just made his heart break. When he entered the room and Alexis looked at him. Jaden said "Alexis, I know that you want him to come back with his memories but you need to think about the kids because they are most likely stressed out because they can feel what you are feeling."

Alexis looked at him and smiled and said that she would find a way to relax and keep her babies from stressing them out. Then he left Alexis alone because he needed her to relax and another way to do that was being with Atticus. Then a voice came from out of the darkness and she recognized the voice. The voice said "you miss your brother. While I was in the shadows I found a way to bring your brother's memories back. But if you want to get his memories you are going to have to duel me to get them back. But if you lose you get to go to the shadows were you and your children."

Alexis said "you want a duel and take away my children. I will beat you and get my brother's memories back and send you back to were you came from you monster." Titan said "no I will be sending you there and then you will be joined by your beloved brother." Alexis was angry that Titan would do such a thing as to send a weak defenseless man. Alexis grabbed her duel disk and prepared to duel the next shadow rider.

Jaden went back into the room to see Alexis when he saw Atticus on the ground. Jaden rushed over to Atticus and asked what happened. Atticus said that Titan was here and he took Alexis. Jaden then helped Atticus up and Atticus asked where they were going. Jaden asked Yubel to find Titan and give and tell him were Titan was. Yubel found were they were and she said that both Alexis and Titan was in the abandoned dorm. Jaden helped Atticus to get to the abandoned dorm so that they both could support Alexis so that she would not be sent to the shadows.

Alexis and Titan started their duel disks and said "duel." Then Atticus and Jaden and the rest of the gang got to the were they were dueling. Alexis saw Atticus and smiled at this and said to herself that she will get his memories back. Titan said "my turn, I draw. I summon Picador Fiend in attack mode (1600atk). I play one card face down and end my turn." Alexis said "my turn, I draw. I summon Cyber Tutu in attack mode (1000atk). I activate Allegro Toile to destroy your face down. Now Cyber Tutu attack Titan directly. I end my turn with a face down."

Titan said "my turn, I draw. I attack your Cyber Tutu." Alexis said "I play my face down Double Passe to change the attack to a direct attack. Next my monster gets to attack you directly." Titan said " I play Ritual of the Matador by sending my Summoned Skull to the grave I can summon Matador Fiend in attack mode (0atk). Now I play the Dark Arena, I end my turn." Alexis said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse Etoile Cyber and Blade Skater in order to summon Cyber Blader in attack mode (2100atk). Now attack."

Titan uses the effect of Dark Arena to make Alexis' monster attack Matador Fiend. The first two effects of Matador Fiend activates which is the monster is not destroyed and he takes no battle damage. Then  the Matador Fiend uses another of his effects to destroy Cyber Blader. Then Cyber Tutu is forced to attack and due to Dark Arena Titan chooses the attack target. Which is Picador Fiend which destroys Cyber Tutu. Alexis then summons Cyber Gymnast in defense mode (1800def). She ends her turn.

Titan said "my turn, I draw. Seeing that Dark Arena is on the field I can attack you directly with Ficador Fiend. Next I summon Banderillero Fiend in attack mode (900atk). Since my monster was normally summoned its effect activates allowing me to destroy Cyber Gymnast but monster can't attack this turn. I end my turn." Alexis said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. I play the spell card The Warrior Returning Alive to add Blade Skater from my grave to my hand. Next I activate Fusion Recovery to add Etoile Cyber and Polymerization from my grave to my hand."

Alexis looked at her brother and knew that if she won it would help him get him back to his normal self. Alexis said "I play Polymerization to fuse my Etoile Cyber and Blade Skater to summon another Cyber Blader in attack mode (2100atk). Since you control three monsters my monster negates the effects on all of the cards on your field. So now I attack your Matador Fiend." The duel was over and Titan was being taken back into the shadows when she said "how do I get my brothers memories back?" Titan was gone and Alexis had no idea what to do.

Alexis then walked up to Atticus and hugged him. She said "I'm sorry Atticus I wish I could find a way to get your memories back. Atticus smiled and said "I have my memories back now. Jaden was the one that gave me my memories back." Alexis smiled and gave Jaden a hug. Then Alexis asked what happened to Atticus. Atticus said "I was led to the abandoned dorm by someone." Jaden said "who was it that let you to the dorm?" Atticus said "I am not one hundred percent sure that it is him. I believe it was professor Banner."

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