Ch 5 Dark Love

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Jaden awoke from his dream and had a feeling that he would have to rescue Alexis from another evil that would come to this school. So Jaden was in class listening to Crowler talk and all Jaden could do is look at Alexis and see her beautiful eyes. Jaden thought that maybe it would be good to have a queen at his side so that he can love and have someone to talk too. But then he saw a smile on Crowler's face and he didn't like it then he was call upon. Jaden quickly looked and thought about what Crowler was talking about then he saw on the board and was able to solve the question he wanted in a matter of seconds.

Alexis watched as Jaden answered the question and she loved the fact that he was becoming the old Jaden she knew. But she did like the bad boy Jaden because she loved his way he lives dueling. What she wanted to see is what his deck has in store for all that had never seen his deck. Jaden and the rest of the class left because class had ended and then they went to the next class they were to be in. The day went by fast and Jaden got back to his room and rested.

Jaden was awoke by Yubel and she said "Jaden I sense a presence on the island you could duel this person to gain more power when you defeat him and sent him to the shadows." Jaden nodded and was told by Yubel that the power was emanating from the abandoned dorm that was not being used. Jaden smiled as he walked through the woods and believed that this duel that would take place would not take along. Yubel was worried that this Alexis girl from his past maybe a way to bring back the good Jaden and she was not having any of that.

Meanwhile that the abandoned dorm Alexis was laying down flowers and said "be at peace brother." Then a shadowy figure appeared and knocked her out. The man then took Alexis to the Abandoned dorm and was planning to have some fun with his new play thing. Jaden got to the dorm and saw the flowers and believed that someone was in the dorm. He then decided to go into the dorm to see if the person that he was looking for was in the dorm.

Jaden entered to see a man down on his knees and from the sound of it he was ripping clothes then the man turned to see who had entered the room. Jaden then saw who he was ripping the clothes off it was Alexis. Jaden's anger because he was watching the girl that he had admired and loved when he was a child was about to be raped. The man said "left if you know what is good for you or I will sent you to the shadow realm." Jaden smiled under his armor and he said "no you will be the one that will be going to the shadow realm. Let duel and find out which one of us will be going to the shadow realm."

Jaden and the man began their duel disks and said "duel." Jaden said "you go first because you are at a big disadvantage. Also what is you name I would like to know before I sent you to the shadow realm." The man said "my name is Titan and that girl will be mine I will first take care of you then she will belong to me." Jaden moved his face plate up and then looked at the man and was angry that he was trying to rape a girl not just any girl the girl that he had always had a crush on when he was little.

Titan said "I draw. I play Infernalqueen Archfiend in attack mode (900atk). Now I play the field spell Pandemonium now I don't take damage from my monsters effects. Now I play the spell card Double Summon to summon Terrorking Archfiend in attack mode (2000atk) and end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy in attack mode (300atk). Next I will sacrifice him to summon Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk). Now I attack you Terrorking go Malicious Edge attack with needle burst."

Titan lost 600 life points but Jaden wasn't done just yet. Jaden said "due to the effect of Prodigy I can draw one card and I end my turn." Titan said "my turn, I draw. I sacrifice my Inferalqueen to summon Skull Archfiend of Lightning in attack mode (2500atk) and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw."

Alexis woke from being knocked out. She looked at herself and saw that her clothes were very ripped to she her breasts and her panties were gone. She then looked up and saw a man and recognized him as Titan the shadow duelist that rapes pretty women. She was wondering why he hadn't raped her. Then she saw Jaden and realized that he had intervened to stop her from being raped. Jaden continued his mode I play the spell known as Super Polymerization now I can fuse my monster with any monster from your field to form your doom. I summon Evil Hero Malicious Fiend in attack mode (3500atk). Now destroy him Malicious Fiend."

The duel was over and Titan began to scream and disappeared into the shadows and shadows surround him it looked like from what Alexis saw he was absorbing the darkness. Alexis tried to get up and she failed because her ankle was broken. Jaden walked over to her and said "I am sorry we had to meet this way but I couldn't let him rape you and have me be a by standard if anyone would hurt you I will protect you. Alexis smiled at that remark and then relized what Jaden was staring at. She didn't mind him looking but in her mind she wanted more she wanted him to have him hold her in his arms. Jaden picked her up bridal style and they walked out of the abandoned dorm. 

Alexis said "I am scared that something bad is going to happen to me again." Jaden said "if you'd like you could sleep with me tonight." The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them. Alexis smiled at this and said "sure, you are my knight in shinning armor."  They got to the boys dorm and then Jaden placed Alexis on the bed. Jaden went into the bath room not before he handed Alexis a shirt to where to cover up the rips in her clothes. But she thought that if anyone was good enough for her to have sex with Jaden was the perfect guy. She loved him and her feeling for him only grow. So she removed her clothes to show that she wanted Jaden.


Jaden got out of the bathroom and saw that Alexis was wearing nothing on. He was in his pj's and Alexis smiled at him for she saw that there was a large bulge in his pants. Alexis walked over to Jaden and said "Jaden I am afraid that someone will try to rape me again and I want my first time to be with that man that I love and that man is you. She made a move to his bulge in his pants and removed his pants with one fell sweep. She smiled at the fact that he was turned on by her and looked at what would make her a woman. His dick was as lively as he is dueling and Jaden was trying to hold back.

Alexis grabbed his dick and began to stroke it and he quivered at this new found pleasure. Alexis then said "Jaden I can't take it anyone I want to be one with you." She laid down on the bed and spread her legs so that her pussy was in plain sight. Jaden said "are you sure you want to do it with me I mean I treated you so poorly at the beginning of the year so why do you like me." Alexis said "because I want the old you back but I fell for you because you treat me like a duelist and then a women which I love that about you." Jaden smiled and said "I am going in now."

Jaden inserted his dick into Alexis pussy and then he pushed with all his might. He looked down to see blood coming from out of her pussy he began to pull out when Alexis' leg rapped around his body not allowing him to pull out. Jaden said "Alexis you are bleeding let be pull out I don't want to see anyone else I love in anymore pain." Alexis said "keep it in till I say it is ok to move ok." Jaden nodded. About five minutes went by and then Alexis told Jaden it was ok to move and he did. He enjoyed having sex for the first time in his life but he cared about Alexis more than his own pleasure. He was reaching his peak and told Alexis that he was going to cum. Alexis said "inside me Jaden." Jaden said "what if you get pregnant I can't let you through your life away like that." Alexis said "I don't care Jaden I am wanting your seed in me so make me feel good ok." Jaden did as he was told and came inside the one woman he loved." Jaden and Alexis laid in bed and were in each others arms and they had now realized that both of them love the other very dearly.

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