Ch 9 Family Meeting

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It had been a month since the duel with Zane and Jaden and the whole school was a buss for the supreme king had become the king of the DA. Not only that but also people were talking about Alexis and Jaden being a couple and being close together not only because they were having children together but also because they had history together. Many of the boys were angry at this because they wanted to be in Jaden's shoes they believed that the only reason that they were dating was to have sex. Many of the girls were also saddened by this news because they all admired Jaden and want his to themselves. But the DA queen had already captured his heart.

An announcement was made across the entire school. Sheppard said "tomorrow we will be having a day were your parents can come and visit you so be ready for your parents to arrive tomorrow that is all." Jaden was stunned by this and thought that maybe his dad would come. Then he laughed he was running a multi billion dollar company he doesn't have time to see me. Then Jaden ran into Alexis and saw that her belly had begun to show signs of her being pregnant.

Jaden said to Alexis "hey is your parents coming to see you tomorrow?" Alexis said "yes and my mom and dad know about the babies and my mom was overjoyed at the thought of being a grand parent. My dad on the other hand sounded very angry that I had sex with you. Jaden he said that he wants to duel you and he wants to lay down some terms with you." Jaden said "I will not bullied around by your father I will not let him do anything to my kids. I will beat him and prove that I can provide for you and for my children." Alexis smiled and gave his a kiss.

The next day Jaden was nervous to meet the mother and father of girlfriend but then he relaxed because he was the supreme king the lord of the 12 dimensions. He and Alexis got together and went to the docks to see if their parents.  Then they arrived at the docks and saw that many of the students families were together. They then heard a voice shout out Alexis' name. Alexis and Jaden turned to see Alexis' mother run up to her and hug her.

Alexis' mother said "I am so glad to see you and I see this is the boy you are with. I got to say that you picked a good looking boy. What is your name son?" Jaden answered "Jaden Yuki." Alexis' mom said "that name sound familiar are you related to Nate and Sarah Yuki?" Jaden said "they were my parents and they were both killed in a robbery gone wrong. I too was also almost killed but my will was not easily broken." Alexis' mom was shocked to hear that they were killed in that way. They had heard that they had died but not in the manner in which Jaden had explained.

Then a man appeared at Alexis' moms side and he was not in the best of moods. He said "so this is the boy who made my baby girl pregnant. All I have to say to you is that if you lay your hands on my daughter again I will duel you and put you in your place." Jaden said "I love your daughter and would do anything to keep her safe even if I have to give up my own life to protect her." Alexis' father was shocked at what he heard. He then recovered and said "I have had enough of you only a man that has money that can keep my baby girl happy so Alexis leave this boy you should be dating Harrington or Zane not this slacker."

Alexis had heard enough and said "dad, he beat Harrington in a duel and I love him remember the boy I told you about when I was little." Alexis' father said "I do remember you talking about a boy but this boy has no family so how did you afford this school?" Then a cold voice said "because he is my adopted son." Alexis' father turned to see none other than Seto Kaiba. 

Alexis' father said "he is your son but I thought that his last name was Yuki?" Kaiba said "when his parents died I took him in and trained him in the art of duel monsters and he has even surpassed me." Alexis' father said "I don't believe you, I will duel you myself to prove that you are nothing and Alexis will have an abortion to rid of the filth that is in her womb." Alexis began to cry and her mother tried to comfort her. Alexis said "dad, stop, you are scaring me, I don't want to kill by babies because I was the one who pushed Jaden to have sex with me if you are going to do this then I hate you."

Alexis' father didn't hear what Alexis said and started his duel disk and Jaden did the same. Alexis' father said "My turn, I draw. I play Luster Dragon in attack mode (1900atk) and end my turn" Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Now I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy in attack mode (300atk). Next I play Dark Fusion to fuse Elemental Heroes Clayman and Burstinatrix to form Evil Hero Infernal Sniper in defense mode (2500def). Now I can deal 1000 points of damage to your life points are in defense mode. Sniper, ready, aim, fire." Alexis' father took 1000 points of damage and he was not about to let his daughter bare children from this man. Jaden said "I sacrifice my Prodigy to summon Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk). Now Malicious Edge attack his Luster Dragon with needle burst."

Alexis' father was angry and lost 700 more life points. Jaden ended his turn with a face down . Alexis' father said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Now I play monster Reborn to bring back my Luster Dragon. Now I sacrifice my monster to summon Cyber Tech Alligator in attack mode I end my turn with one face down." Jaden said " I play De-Fusion to defuse my Sniper into Elemental Heroes Clayman and Burstinatrix. Now I sacrifice them both to summon the strongest monster in my deck. I summon Yubel in attack mode (0atk). Now attack his Cyber Tech Alligator and end this duel." Alexis' father laughed at the attack of Yubel but Yubel smirked because all the damage that is dealt to Alexis' father as battle damage. 

The duel was over and Jaden was the victor. Alexis' father said "no I don't want this for my daughter to go through baring a child at this age." Jaden said "she will not be going through it alone because I want to be apart of the kids life because I want them to have the childhood that I never had." Then Alexis' father realized that all Jaden wanted was not to bang his daughter but to support her and love the children now growing in her womb. Alexis' father said "I am sorry about this. Could you find it in your heart to forgive a man like me all I wanted was to protect my little girl." Jaden said "I forgive you but you can't take back what you said about trying to kill my children. I think that it is time for me to let you and your family talk with each other." Alexis' mother said "you are apart of this family weather you like it or not."

Jaden was shocked to hear this. Alexis then walked up to him and kissed him and it made the king blush. Alexis' father said to Alexis "I am sorry for what I said Alexis I just wanted what was best for you I was blinded by my anger towards Jaden so I am sorry can you ever forgive me Alexis?" Alexis said "yes, but I want your full support for this because I want to keep the babies. I have fallen in love with Jaden and he has fallen for me." Alexis' father saw the look Alexis and Jaden shared. It reminded him of him and his wife and he decided to let them be. Kaiba said "Jaden I believe that you have something that I need to see." Jaden then pulled out the picture of the sonogram and both Alexis' parents were thrilled to see that not only one baby but two growing." Jaden said to Kaiba "is it ok for both me and Alexis to have a house for ourselves so we can take care of the children together?"

Kaiba said "I wouldn't have it any other way I will have construction build a house just for the four of you if that is what you wish." Jaden and Alexis looked at one another and were happy that they were getting the house and still keeping their rank at the school. All the parents left after seeing the school and Jaden and Alexis then took a walk and then they parted and now the next adventure for the two of them had just begun.

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