Ch 21 Baby Shower

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Alexis was in her 8th month of her pregnancy and they said that she would be due in about three or four weeks and both Alexis and Jaden were so happy that nothing could get in the way of their happiness. Then it so happened that Alexis was having a baby shower and everyone that was Alexis and Jaden's friend was invited. Then the day of the shower Jaden and Alexis got a surprise visit by someone that had made their love even stronger. Kaiba had come and was in great mood switch was not to often. Not only did Kaiba come but Mokuba also came which was a surprise.

Mokuba said "hi bro I was wondering when the baby shower was and we get a two day notice." Jaden said "sorry but Alexis wanted it on this day so how could I say no to her." Mokuba looked at Alexis and smiled and said "well I can tell you that you picked a beautiful girl so I wish nothing but the best for the two of you." Alexis said "I am glad that my babies get to grow up in a wonderful family and friends." Kaiba looked at Alexis and smiled and asked Jaden "are you still going to enter the pro league when you graduate?"

Jaden said "of course I will and I will defeat the king to become the king of games along with being the supreme king." Kaiba patted him on the shoulder and said "I will be waiting and to test you to see if you really are strong enough to take him on." Jaden said "ok but first lets celebrate my two children before they are born ok." The rest of the gang except for Chazz came and they were all bringing a lot of gifts for Alexis and the babies.

First gift that Alexis was from her best friends Jasmine and Mindy. She opened the first of many gifts from them. The first one was a two pairs of pj's one of the Blue Eyes White Dragon and the other was that of the Dark Magician Girl. Syrus turned a bright color as he saw what Emerald was getting. Next was anther gift from the girls. Alexis opened it up and saw two shirts that were totally cool. One was that of Slifer the Sky Dragon and the other was Harpie Lady. Jaden said "I think that both the kids are going to be getting into dueling don't you think." The gang laughed at this.

Alexis opened the last of the girls gifts. This time it was shorts one red and the other pink. So the gifts from the girls were great and the next gift was from Bastion. Alexis opened it up and saw that Bastion had gotten a deck box to keep their cards in and one said "Prince Shadow and the other said Princess Emerald. But that was not the only thing that Bastion got for them he also got them a Amazoness Tiger and Paladin pillows. Jaden then looked at Bastion and said "I thought that you had stopped being in love with her." Bastion said "I lied I still love her but I am also in love with dueling." The next gifts were from Atticus and the first one was shirts of all three of the god cards and all three of the wicked god cards. Next was a karaoke for kids and he wanted them to be pop stars like him.

Then Alexis opened up the next gift which was from Chumley. Chumley had made a drawing of Alexis and Jaden looking into each others eyes. Everyone was astonished by the talent that Chumley had. Then they got anther picture that Chumley had and it was a picture of Alexis' sonogram and they were blown away by how closely it resembled the real picture. Then Kaiba said "could you do that with real cards?" Chumley looked at Kaiba and said "yyyes mister Kaiba." Kaiba said "I think that you would be the perfect person to help Pegasus with his card designs." Chumley said "wait, what? You are going to recommend me to max a million Pegasus." Chumley said "it that is what you want to do with me then I am on board."

Next was from Syrus and he was nervous because he felt that his gifts were not going to be as good as the rest. The first gift was a locket for each of the twins. Inside had a picture of one of Evil Hero Malicious Edge and the other of Evil Hero Infernal Wing. Then Syrus also got them a sippy cup each with their names written on it. Next presents were from Zane. Zane smiled and hoped that both the kids would like their next gifts. Zane had gotten all of the Evil Heroes card pictures on to shirts and made two of each copies for both of them. Next thing that Zane got them both a stuffed toy of Cyber Dragon. Alexis smiled at this and said "do you want my kids to follow after you?" Zane said "maybe, maybe not I will let them decide."

Next was from Kaiba and Mokuba the first gift was two duel disks and they had their names written on it. Next gift was something that Jaden was expecting. A life time pass to Kaiba Land. Jaden said "great now every summer we are going to have to go to Kaiba Land and have fun there." Kaiba smiled and said "well you get in free so I don't see a problem with that." Jaden said "well I do like it for the kids but then the kids are going to want to go every day. But I can tell them one day that their father built this place."

The next gift was a Blue Eyes White Dragon blankets. Jaden said "I hope that you are not planning on giving your deck to my kids one day because I would like them to make their own deck or take after mom and dad if that would be ok." Kaiba laughed and said "maybe I will maybe I won't it will depend when they get older." And the last present was from Shepard which couldn't make it. Alexis opened the gift and saw a picture of Alexis and Jaden dressed up in the Yubel and Malicious Edge costume.

Then it was almost time to go when Atticus said "lets get a group picture." So they did that and then everyone felt Alexis' belly and then they all left expect of Kaiba and Mokuba. Kaiba said "I know that the evil one that wants the cards are going to come soon so keep an eye out ok." Both Alexis and Jaden nodded and both Mokuba and Kaiba left and Alexis and Jaden went to bed not knowing that a friend was planning on winning Alexis' heart.

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