Ch 19 The Gambler

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Jaden and Alexis awoke from their sleep and they looked at each other and both could see nothing but love for each other. Then they decided to cuddle together and Jaden rubbed Alexis' belly and was having a good time when he felt a movement in her belly. He then put his head on her belly and he felt movement in her belly and he smiled. They then decided to go back to sleep as it was Saturday and they had no classes and they needed to keep an eye out for the final shadow rider. They knew that the shadow rider would come but he would not let anything happen to his girl or is children.

On a ship a man was playing poker and he was in trouble because his opponent a pair. Then the river came and the man smiled and showed that he had a full house. The other man was mad but he couldn't argue with him because he was the gambler that never lost. Then seeing that they were on a boat he looked out into the sea and saw that an island. The island was duel academy and then he got onto a jet ski to get to the island.

Then the man got to the school and he went to Sheppard's office. At the same time Jaden, Alexis, and the gang were walking to Sheppard's office. They then heard a voice coming from the office and they couldn't recognized the voice but Alexis could. She walked into the room and was followed by Jaden and the gang. Alexis said "Pierre, what are you doing here?" Pierre said "I am here to duel you and get what I want, you." Alexis said "fine I will duel you but if I win you give back what you stole from me."

Then the room became 20 degrees colder and Jaden was angry for he never knew that Alexis knew the guy let alone steal something from her. He then heard Pierre say "what happened to you Alexis did you let yourself go after I left you or are you pregnant." He laughed at the last part because he believed that Alexis was still pure. Alexis was angry that Pierre was calling her fat or insulting the fact that she was pregnant. Alexis said "I am pregnant thank you very much. This is my boyfriend, Jaden."

Jaden looked at Pierre and he showed is dark side at him for he didn't know that he stole from Alexis but he knew that he would not stand for it. Pierre was angry that someone had taken Alexis' first time but then he formulated a plan to get Alexis and rid the filth that was in her womb. Pierre said "I will up the steaks. I will give you one million dollars if you win. But if you should lose then I will have you leave your boyfriend and you will get rid of the filth that is in your womb and marry me."

Alexis looked at Jaden and she could see the fire in his eyes to kill him but Alexis looked at him reassured him that she would win the duel to keep the babies and get some money out of the deal. They went to the duel arena and before Jaden went to watch the duel Alexis pinned Jaden to the wall and kissed him. Jaden said "what was that for?" Alexis said "to calm you down so you don't go super nova mode." Jaden smiled and said "that is why I love you, you know just what to do to keep me in check." Alexis then walked out to the duel field and was prepared to fight for her family."

Pierre and Alexis started their duel disks and said "duel."Pierre draws. He then Normal Summons "Gamble Angel Bunny" (1200/1200) in Attack Position and Sets a card. Pierre then activates the effect of "Gamble Angel Bunny" to toss a coin. If Pierre calls it right, Alexis will take 1000 damage, but if he calls it wrong, Pierre will take 1000 damage. Pierre calls heads, but the coin lands on tails.

Pierre then activates his face-down "Second Coin Toss". Now Pierre can once a turn negate the effects of a card requiring a coin toss and re-do the said coin toss. Pierre then uses the effect of "Second Coin Toss" to re-do the coin toss of "Gamble Angel Bunny". Pierre calls tails and he is right this time (Alexis 4000 → 3000). Pierre then Sets a card.

Alexis draws "Cyber Tutu" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1000/800) in Attack Position. "Cyber Tutu" attacks directly via its own effect, but Pierre activates his face-down "Fairy Box". Now whenever one of Alexis' monsters attacks, Pierre can toss a coin. If he is right, the ATK of "Cyber Tutu" will become 0 during the Battle Phase only.

Pierre then activates the effect of "Fairy Box" to toss a coin. He calls heads, but the coin lands on tails. Pierre then activates the effect of "Second Coin Toss" to redo the coin toss. He calls heads and he is correct this time ("Cyber Tutu": 1000 → 0/800). The direct attack continues, but it does no damage to Pierre. At the end of the Battle Phase, the effect of "Fairy Box" expires ("Cyber Tutu": 0 → 1000/800). Alexis then Sets a card.

Pierre draws. On Pierre's Standby Phase, he pays 500 Life Points to keep "Fairy Box" in play (Pierre 4000 → 3500). Pierre then activates the effect of "Gamble Angel Bunny" to toss a coin. He calls heads, but the coin lands on tails. Pierre then activates the effect of "Second Coin Toss" to redo the coin toss. He calls tails and he is correct (Alexis 3000 → 2000).

Pierre then Normal Summons another "Gamble Angel Bunny" (1200/1200) in Attack Position. "Gamble Angel Bunny" attacks "Cyber Tutu", but Alexis activates her face-down "Doble Passe" to change the attack to a direct attack (Alexis 2000 → 800) and allow "Cyber Tutu" to attack directly. "Cyber Tutu" attacks directly (Pierre 3500 → 2500). The second "Gamble Angel Bunny" attacks and destroys "Cyber Tutu" (Alexis 800 → 600).

Alexis draws "Scapegoat". She then Sets a card and activates "Scapegoat" to Special Summon four "Sheep Tokens" (0/0 each) in Defense Position.

Pierre draws "Sand Gambler". On Pierre's Standby Phase, he pays 500 Life Points to keep "Fairy Box" in play (Pierre 2500 → 2000). Pierre then Normal Summons "Sand Gambler" (300/1600) in Attack Position. Pierre then activates the effect of "Sand Gambler" to toss a coin three times. If all three results are heads, all of Alexis' monsters are destroyed, but if all three results are tails, all of Pierre's monsters are destroyed. The first toss lands on heads. The second toss lands on tails, but Pierre uses the effect of "Second Coin Toss" to redo that coin toss. It lands on heads this time. The third and final toss lands on heads as well. Since Pierre got three heads, the positive effect of "Sand Gambler" activates, destroying the four "Sheep Tokens". Alexis then activates her face-down "Hallowed Life Barrier to discard a card and reduce all damage she takes this turn to 0.

Alexis draws "Prima Light". She then activates "The Warrior Returning Alive" to add "Cyber Tutu" from her Graveyard to her hand. Alexis then Normal Summons "Cyber Tutu" (1000/800) in Attack Position. She then activates "Prima Light" to Tribute "Cyber Tutu" and Special Summon "Cyber Prima" (2300/1600) in Attack Position. Since "Cyber Prima" was summoned, its effect activates, destroying all face-up Spell Cards. "Cyber Prima" attacks "Sand Gambler", but Pierre activates the effect of "Fairy Box" to toss a coin. He calls tails, but the coin lands on heads. "Cyber Prima" then destroys "Sand Gambler" (Pierre 2000 → 0).

Alexis walked up to Pierre and said "I never want to see you in my life again. I also want the money that you promised me." Pierre gave her his word and wrote a check for the money and said that he was sorry that he wanted to get rid of her children. Pierre left and Jaden was happy that she won and they left the room and needed to get some sleep with all of the excitement that had just transpired today. But the shadows were coming to get the keys soon.

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