Ch 6 New Life

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The next couple of weeks went by and Alexis started behaving differently. Her sleeping was different and so was her eating and craving for different foods. Alexis being a smart and brave woman took a pregnancy test. She hoped that the one time with Jaden didn't put a baby in her. But then she thought about having a kid with Jaden and thought that he would be supportive and would in her mind support both her and the child. The test results came in it was positive. Alexis said to herself "I'm pregnant."

She had to confide in someone and who better than the two girls that were her best friends. Jasmine and Mindy. So she went to talk to them after class and walked up to them. Jasmine said "hey Alexis what are you up to." Alexis smiled and said "I have some news to share with the two of you so lets go somewhere more private if you don't mind." Both agreed and went to Alexis' room and they sat on her bed and were wondering what Alexis could possible want to tell them in private. Alexis breathed heavy and they asked if she was ok. Alexis said "something has happened to me and I wanted to tell the both of you but I am afraid to tell the person that has to know this news."

Mindy said "what news?" Alexis took a deep breath and said "Mindy, Jasmine, I am pregnant." Both didn't process that last part and both said "sorry what did you say it sounded like you said you were pregnant." Alexis said "yes, I am." Both were shocked at first but then screamed of joy for Alexis. They wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl and who what the father. Alexis said "I don't know if it is a boy or a girl but to answer one of you questions Jaden is the father." Both were shocked to find out that the new king of Obelisk blue got Alexis knocked up. Jasmine said "Alexis you should tell him about it before you go through with this the sooner he knows the better." Alexis agreed and she left to tell Jaden the good news or so she hoped it would be good news for him.

Jaden was on his phone and on the other end was is adopted father Seto Kaiba. Jaden said "all is going well as soon as I get out of here the sooner I can join the big league and challenge Yugi and do what you could not do father." Kaiba said "I hear that you are already the new king of Obelisk blue. But of course I expected nothing less. Also I hear you found a girl at the school that you like but I also heard that you forfeited a duel and why is that?" Jaden said "the old wound started to act up again and yes I have found myself a girl. We met at a party before my parents were killed so we picked up right were we left off."Kaiba said "good, I am hoping that some day that you will give me a grandchild even though we are not blood related I still think of you as a son to me." Jaden smiled and said "thanks dad I will let you get back to the work you were up to so tell Mokuba that I love him along with you." Kaiba said "if you need anything and if you get into trouble have the school call me so I may deal with it ok." Jaden said "thanks bye."

With that Jaden ended the call and Alexis appeared out of nowhere. Jaden asked "what do you want to talk to me about. I have gym class next." Alexis smiled and said I will tell you after gym I am done with classes today so I will be in the stands cheering you on ok." Jaden nodded and went to change and then the boys played tennis. But most of the guys had their eyes on the queen of Obelisk blue. Jaden was partnered with Syrus and then Jaden hit the ball but it didn't go to the intended area but went straight for Alexis. Jaden watched in horror as the girl he liked was going to be hit by a ball that he sent to her. The ball was about to hit her when a boy it is back and went straight for Crowler. It hit him square in the face and most if not all the boys laughed at this. Jaden ran over to Alexis and was going to apologize for putting her in danger.

The boy that saved her was talking to her and he said "I just saved you from being him in the head with a ball. So you are the famous Alexis Rhodes." Alexis said "yes and who are you?" The boy said "Harrington is the name and I am single just to let you know." Alexis looked around for help to get out of this and saw Jaden coming this way. She said "hey Jaden what are you doing?" Jaden said "I came over here to apologize because I sent the ball your way and I am so sorry." Alexis smiled and laughed a little bit but that only made Harrington more frustrated. Jaden gave Alexis a hug and said "what did you want to talk about again?" Harrington stepped in and said "a guy like you stands no change to get a girl like Alexis she should be with me for I am rich." Jaden said "I could bury you with the money I have from my adopted father." Harrington said "I have had enough of you I challenge you to a duel and the winner get to be Alexis' fiancé."

Jaden was angry at the fact that he was ignoring  and neglecting Alexis' opinion. His eyes glowed an even darker gold to show that he was pissed off at Harrington.Jaden said "you know this just proves how little you know about women you treat them like their nothing to you but they are people as well and should be allowed to make their own choice not be forced." Harrington said "lets duel or are you afraid." Jaden laughed and said "afraid of you no lets get this duel over with."

Jaden and Harrington started their duel disk and said "duel." Jaden said "I will go first, I draw. I play the spell card Dark Fusion by fusing Valkyrion the Magna Warrior and Evil Hero Malicious Edge to form Evil Hero Dark Gaia in attack mode (6100atk). I play one card face down and end my turn." Harrington said "my turn I draw "I play one monster face down and end my turn and one face down and end my turn." Jaden smiled and said "my turn, I draw. I play the spell Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your face down. Next I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in attack mode (1600atk). But now I send him two turns ahead to have my Dark Gaia attack twice this turn. Attack his face down monster. Now attack him directly with dark catastrophe."

The duel ended and Jaden and Alexis walked out of the gym class and they went somewhere private. Jaden said Alexis what did you want to talk to me about?" Alexis asked "who is your father you lost both your parents didn't you?" Jaden said "yes but I was adopted by the famous Seto Kaiba." Alexis said that clears everything up and now I can tell you what I wanted to tell you about. Jaden you remember the night we spent together right." Jaden said "yes what about it." Alexis said "well something happened and I hope you support this. Jaden I love you and I would love to be your fiancé and everything but first I need to tell you one more thing." Jaden said "what is that?" Alexis said "Jaden, I'm pregnant."

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