Ch 3 Schooling Chazz

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Jaden awoke the day after the duel with Alexis and had that kiss. He was thinking 'what is happening to me am I falling in love with that girl I mean I kissed her as a promise. I don't know what am I thinking.' Yubel then came forth and said "Jaden what seems to be the problem." Jaden said "Alexis that is my problem I have never felt this way after the accident. So what is this feeling that I have?" Yubel said "well maybe you are falling in love with her." Jaden was shocked at what Yubel had said and he said "what, why would I be love with her after I became the Supreme King." Yubel could sense the good in him but she wants him to be as powerful as he could be.

Jaden got out of his room and went to class and then after class he ran into the boy that had pissed him off at the entrance exam. The boy walked up to him and said "the name is Chazz and I challenge you to a duel." Jaden said "why should I waste my time on a loser like you." Chazz became angry and said "because this will decide weather or not you belong in Obelisk blue dorm." Jaden said "if I win I want you to leave this school until you really think you are a duelist of my caliber got it." Chazz and Jaden went to the main arena to duel. Many people were at the arena just chilling then they saw both Jaden and Chazz preparing to duel. Then Chazz did something that shocked everyone. Chazz said "I would like to duel with Alexis to prove that we are the best couple on this island." Alexis was angry at the fact that she was being used to beat her friend but then she made the decision to see if Jaden was as good as he was earlier. All three of them started their duel disks and said "duel."

Jaden said "you two can go first seeing that you are at a big disadvantage." Chazz said "my turn I draw, I summon Armed Dragon LV 3 in attack mode (1200atk). Now I play LV up and I can level up my Armed Dragon LV 3 to summon Armed Dragon LV 5 in attack mode (2400atk) I end my turn with two face downs." Alexis said "my turn, I draw, I play Polymerization to summon St. Joan (2800atk) and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw, I play dark fusion to fuse Evil Hero Malicious Edge and Valkyrion the Magna Warrior to summon Evil Hero Dark Gaia (6100atk). Now I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer now I will use his ability to send him two turns ahead and now Dark Gaia can attack two times. Now Dark Gaia attack Armed Dragon LV 5 with dark catastrophe. Now I will finish you off Chazz attack him again." Chazz's life points went down to zero and he hit the floor and Alexis saw the power that he had and was not going to give up till the last card was played. Jaden said "with that I end my turn."

Alexis said "my turn, I draw, I switch my monster in defense mode and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw," Jaden smiled at the draw and continued to say "I play another Infernal Gainer and use his ability. Now Dark Gaia attack and your monster is switched into attack mode because of Dark Gaia's ability." Alexis watched as st. Joan was destroyed and then Jaden said "now finish her off Dark Gaia." At that moment Jaden's wound started to open up and he hit the floor and the duel was a forfeit. Alexis rushed over to him and a boy named Syrus came over to help.

Chazz said "we win, so Alexis you should totally go on a date with me because we are the best tag team ever." Alexis looked at him and said "I would never go on a date with you. I want to make sure that Jaden is ok because he was someone that was very Important to me." Alexis helped Jaden get to his feet and her and Syrus helped him get to the nurse. Miss Fontaine the school nurse was relaxing when she saw Jaden being helped by Alexis and Syrus. After an hour or so Alexis and Syrus were allowed to see him. Syrus introduced himself and Jaden thought that he could be a good friend to have if things go wrong. Alexis asked Syrus to get them a few minutes alone and he agreed.

Alexis threw herself at him and said "I thought I was going to lose you Jaden. I don't want to lose someone that close to my heart. Jaden I think you should tell me what happened to you and how you got the eyes to change. Jaden looked at her and he could see the hurt in her eyes and he decided to tell her about his past.

Jaden said "I was little when it happened but I remember it like it was yesterday. Me and my Mom and Dad were walking home from a duel at the Kaiba Dome and a man had a gun and tried to rob us. He killed both my mom and dad then he shot me square in the chest. I was dying and then my duel spirit ally Yubel told me that the only way to save yourself was to embrace the power of the Supreme KIng so that is what I did. But in doing so most of the good in me was pushed out by darkness but you Alexis you are a light that still shines in my heart and keeps me from becoming more and more evil. When we first met I liked you and I still do but can you accept a man that I have become because this power I have could cost you and myself our lives. But I am willing to take a leap of faith and give us a chance to see if we are compatible. In short terms will you go on a date with me?" Alexis was surprised that he had a duel spirit and asked "what is a duel spirit?" Jaden said "my duel spirit is one that helps me control my power and keep my darkness in check but now I have two ways to keep my darkness under control." Alexis was puzzled by this and asked "what is the other way to keep your darkness under control?" Jaden said "you."

Alexis was shocked at what she heard but she couldn't resist him for he was in her mind the one man on this planet that made her feel special. Alexis said "yes, I will go on a date with you but you have to wear something other than your armor if that is ok." Jaden said "very well I will do so but please don't put to much pressure on me because this will be my first date." Alexis said "it is my first date to so we both will gain some experience from this."

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